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Mars 2024

SMC a reçu les "Supplier Excellence Awards 2024" d'Applied Materials, Inc.

SMC a reçu les "Supplier Excellence Awards 2024" d'Applied Materials, Inc. (ci-après "AMAT"), l'une des plus grandes entreprises d'équipements pour semi-conducteurs et affichage.

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Janvier 2024

No air source? No problem with SMC’s new compact compressor

The new SMC CRP series compact compressor allows design engineers to take advantage of an innovative product that allows the use of pneumatic components in areas without air source, making it perfect for use in mobile applications. Moreover, designers have the option of using the versatile CRP series as a compressor (positive pressure) or vacuum pump (negative pressure), simply by connecting the pipes in the corresponding way.

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SMC to introduce new EXW1 Series Compact Wireless System

SMC is introducing the new EXW1 Series Compact Wireless System with an increased range of up to 100 m. Similar in technology to the current EX600-W, the EXW1 is smaller, lighter and fieldbus compatible, and with improved features that augment the current portfolio.

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Nouvelle concernant le tremblement de terre ressenti dans le nord de la région d'Ishikawa le 1er janvier 2024

À 16:10 le 1er janvier 2024 (JST), un énorme tremblement de terre d'une magnitude de 7,6 a frappé la région de Noto, dans le nord de la préfecture d'Ishikawa, au Japon.

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Decembre 2023

SMC JSXF-P controls multiple valves with just one signal

SMC is introducing its innovative JSXF-P series of pulse valves for the effective and efficient dislodging of foreign matter during cleaning procedures. The new JSXF-P SMARTVENT type pulse valve offers a number of notable benefits, including a built-in control board, high peak pressure, low air consumption and long service life.

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SMC JSY1000-E takes control of valves and ejectors in a single manifold

SMC is once again demonstrating its innovation prowess with the company’s new JSY1000-E valve manifold with fully integrated ejector system. This optimal combination provides a complete solution for positive and negative (vacuum) pressure that allows users to control valves and ejectors in a single, simple manifold. Reducing both physical dimensions and weight, the JSY1000-E also has an energy function available that decreases energy consumption substantially and improves process efficiency.

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Novembre 2023

Optimisez le débit et minimisez la perte de pression avec la nouvelle vanne à siège incliné de SMC

Anvers, le 9 novembre 2023 – La nouvelle série de vannes à siège incliné JSB de SMC offre divers avantages importants tant pour les OEM que pour les utilisateurs finaux. La série JSB combine une longue durée de vie, une faible perte de pression et des dimensions compactes avec un débit élevé. La série JSB est adaptée à une utilisation avec de la vapeur, de l'eau et de l'air comprimé.

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Octobre 2023

Solution tout-en-un : actionneur électrique de SMC avec contrôleur intégré

Anvers, 26 octobre 2023 – La nouvelle série d'actionneurs électriques EQ de SMC est équipée d'un contrôleur entièrement intégré, ce qui simplifie l'installation et l'utilisation. De plus, les utilisateurs bénéficient d'une solution qui contribue à économiser à la fois de l'espace et de l'énergie, tout en réduisant les émissions de CO2.

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September 2023

Puissante actionneur électrique de SMC (série LEKFS) offrant une très grande précision et une rigidité mécanique élevée

Anvers, le 26 septembre 2023 – Les actionneurs électriques sont largement utilisés dans l'industrie pour des applications telles que le revêtement, les systèmes de transport, et bien d'autres. Lorsqu'une précision est nécessaire en combinaison avec une charge de travail élevée, seuls les actionneurs électriques spécialement conçus pour ces exigences sont adaptés, tels que la série LEKFS de SMC.

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Les réducteurs électropneumatiques de SMC avec IO-Link offrent une surveillance précise et sécurisée des processus

Anvers, le 12 septembre 2023 – La régulation dynamique de la pression par le biais de signaux électriques est couramment utilisée dans des secteurs tels que l'automobile, l'agroalimentaire, l'emballage et les sciences de la vie. Les réducteurs électropneumatiques de SMC (série ITV#-IL) assurent une surveillance précise et donc sécurisée des processus dans ces secteurs. Ils peuvent être connectés aux systèmes de commande via IO-Link et, en raison du degré élevé d'automatisation et de leur conception compacte, ils conviennent parfaitement aux applications de l'Industrie 4.0.

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Août 2023

Réactualisation du vérin pneumatique double action CG1-Z1 de SMC : flexible et peu exigeant en entretien

Anvers, le 24 août 2023 – Des serrages aux opérations de prélèvement et de positionnement : les vérins pneumatiques sont utilisés dans l'industrie pour diverses applications. En raison du besoin croissant de flexibilité, d'une maintenance simplifiée et donc d'une plus grande efficacité, les exigences concernant ces composants pneumatiques augmentent constamment. C'est pourquoi SMC a revu ses vérins pneumatiques à double action à tige de piston unique et amortissement. Cela permet un choix libre de montage et réduit les travaux de maintenance en évitant l'accumulation de saleté et de poussière.

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Plus d'énergie cinétique avec le nouveau vérin rotatif MSQ de SMC

Anvers, 3 août 2023 – SMC attache une grande importance à la conception de ses vérins pneumatiques, avec comme priorités absolues les performances, un design compact et léger, une haute précision et des applications flexibles. Avec cet engagement envers l'amélioration continue, nous avons optimisé davantage notre série de vérins rotatifs MSQ. Les nouveaux modèles sont équipés d'amortisseurs externes en option, leur permettant de fournir une énergie cinétique accrue.

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Juillet 2023

Une communication plus sûre et plus rapide avec le contrôleur de moteur pas à pas JXCLF

Anvers, le 7 juillet 2023 - Le contrôleur de moteur pas à pas JXCLF de SMC est une solution polyvalente pour les constructeurs de machines à la recherche de simplification, d'économies, de niveaux de sécurité plus élevés et de capacités de communication plus rapides. Le contrôleur est doté d'une communication IO-Link et d'une fonction Safe Torque Off (STO) qui permet aux constructeurs de machines de mieux contrôler leurs processus de production. Grâce au JXCLF, les entreprises peuvent améliorer le niveau d'intégrité de la sécurité (SIL 3) et le niveau de performance (PL e) de leurs systèmes.

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Juin 2023

Efficacité en matière de maintenance et de temps de travail grâce à la communication sans fil de SMC

Anvers, le 6 juin 2023 - Pour les applications dynamiques, la liberté de mouvement est essentielle pour une production efficace. En particulier avec les changements d'outils réguliers dans les robots et les tables rotatives, les connexions de câbles sont souvent une source de problèmes de communication. SMC présente la solution : la série EX600-W, un système sans fil modulaire qui rend les câbles réseau inutiles.

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Août 2022

SMC Statement on Conflict in Ukraine

As devastating, unprovoked attacks continue to unfold in Ukraine, they create a tragic crisis for the Ukrainian people, their families, and their futures. SMC is firmly in opposition to authoritarianism and violence, and we stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian people. We must continue to provide our courageous Ukrainian colleagues with the support they need and are working tirelessly to help our associates who are still in Ukraine, as well as those who have found themselves in the unenviable position of living under authoritarian Russian rule.

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Février 2022

SMC's ZKJ vacuum manifold offers fieldbus compatibility for remote industrial equipment communication

General industrial equipment designers, manufacturers and maintainers can now benefit from the new SMC ZKJ vacuum manifold with PROFINET-enabled communication for remotely controlling and monitoring manufacturing processes. The ZKJ also offers impressive suction flow rate taking its low air consumption and low power consumption specifications into account. Other features include valve protection functionality, IP65 rating and the ability to control up to 16 ejectors with a single manifold.

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Un venturi multi-étagé léger et efficace par SMC

Wommelgem, février 2022 – SMC vient de moderniser sa gamme de venturis multi-étagés en lançant la série ZL1/ZL3/ZL6. Cette série de produits répond à la demande de réduction du poids faisant suite à l’utilisation croissante de la robotique. Les nouveaux modèles de la gamme de produits à vide SMC offrent la puissance d’aspiration requise pour les pièces présentant des niveaux de fuite élevés. Ils se montrent en outre peu gourmands en énergie.

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Janvier 2022

New SMC valve offers higher performance and control in food plants

The new JSY5000-H valve manifold from SMC is purpose-designed for use in food and beverage manufacturing plants, as well as breweries. Featuring a clean design to cope with regular wash-downs, the IP69K-compliant valve differentiates itself in the marketplace with its high flow rate, low power consumption and IO-Link point-to-point communication capability, bringing a new level of control to production.

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Juin 2021

Le générateur de vide compact de SMC : puissant et ultraléger

Wommelgem, juin 2021 - Matériels et pièces doivent toujours pouvoir être saisis, déplacés et reposés en toute sécurité, tant lors de l’assemblage que de la palettisation ou des applications pick & place. C’est pour cela que SMC a mis au point une nouvelle version compacte de sa série ZH de générateurs de vide à silencieux intégré : ils sont encore plus petits, plus légers et plus puissants que leurs prédécesseurs.

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Avril 2021

La nouvelle unité d’alimentation en air SMC (série AC-D) fournit de l’air comprimé de haute qualité.

Wommelgem, avril 2021 – SMC lance de nouvelles unités d'alimentation en air (série AC-D) qui assurent des processus industriels stables et fiables. Cette gamme modulaire et polyvalente de produits, en une construction compacte « one-box », fournit de l'air comprimé de qualité qui peut être classé selon la norme ISO8573-1:2010.

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Greetings from the newly inaugurated president of SMC

I’m Yoshiki Takada. As of April 1st, 2021, I was appointed as the new president of SMC. Since our founding in 1959, SMC has grown as a comprehensive manufacturer of automatic control equipment, including pneumatic equipment, with the goal of “meeting all of our customer requests”.

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Mars 2021

SMC lance une nouvelle soufflette à économie d'énergie

Wommelgem, mars 2021 - La nouvelle soufflette à impact (IBG) de SMC est la plus économe en énergie du marché, car elle utilise jusqu'à 87 % d'air en moins que toute autre soufflette standard.

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Fevrier 2021

SMC présente un contrôleur séparé pour ioniseurs

Wommelgem, mars 2021 - La série d’ioniseurs compacts IZT salue l’arrivée d’un contrôleur séparé pour ioniseur de type barre et de type buse.

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Janvier 2021

Expertise in: understanding your daily needs

Cobots and end effectors team up for affordable flexible solutions. While robotics led the way for the rapid growth of automation, we see cobots as the democratisation of robotics technology. They eliminate the cost and complex programming that robots usually require while providing much greater flexibility. By Andrea Trifone, Cobot project leader, SMC Italy

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June 2019

SMC accroît sa part de marché en Europe

SMC Corporation annonce une cinquième année consécutive de croissance du chiffre d'affaires de son activité européenne, enregistrant une augmentation de 6,3% pour atteindre un chiffre d'affaires annuel net de 745,87 millions d'euros.

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Avril 2019

A l'occasion des 60 ans de SMC Corporation

Communication de M. Yoshiyuki Takada, Président de SMC Corporation

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Janvier 2019

SMC in the driving seat with innovative solutions at Tire Technology Expo 2019

TIRE TECHNOLOGY EXPO 2019 5 – 7 March 2019 Deutsche Messe Exhibition Centre, Hanover Hall 21, Booth 9064

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Octobre 2018

SMC showcases life sciences solutions

COMPAMED 2018 12 -15 November 2018 Düsseldorf Trade Fair, Düsseldorf, Germany Hall 8B, Stand H04 Visitors to this year’s COMPAMED will have a chance to view SMC’s diverse range of specialist solutions for the Life Sciences industry.

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Janvier 2018

SMC gets to grip with powerful solutions at Tire Technology Expo 2018

TIRE TECHNOLOGY EXPO 2018 20 - 22 February 2018 Hannover Hall 21, Booth 7045

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SMC steps up control with its latest multi-axes step motor controller

SMC has extended its multi-axes control step motor controller range, with the launch of the JXC92. This new unit can control up to three electric actuators simultaneously, creating a range of savings and simplifying the process in terms of equipment, wiring, space and programming.

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SMC’s latest centring unit helps to save space and air

The MACM is a new centring unit from SMC that helps to align and position heavy workpieces on the move, so manufacturers can install and operate more compact conveyor lines.

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SMC launches highly adaptable blue silicone rubber vacuum pad

The latest vacuum pad from SMC is the ZP3P, which has been designed to offer optimum absorbing performance and efficient handling. It features a blue coloured, silicone rubber pad that prevents wrinkles and is compliant with the FDA 21CFR§177.2600 elution test.

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SMC merges its digital pressure switch range in 2018 under the same design

SMC is building on the success of its ZSE20(F)/ISE20 pressure switch range that features 3-screen display, 3-step setting mode and selectable delay time function, with the ZSE20(F)#/ISE20# (A, B and C). The extended series will help operators deliver efficiencies in terms of control and time saving.

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Décembre 2017

SMC’s new cylinder with lock unit guarantees easy handling

The MWB Series cylinder from SMC, features a separate lock unit that has been designed with the operator in mind. Versatility and simplicity are key to this latest design with installation and maintenance time kept to a minimum.

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Don’t let static be an issue this winter

Static electricity is an invisible but costly problem for manufacturers that can cause both production issues and lower quality products. This issue can only get worse as winter sets in and temperatures plummet, warns SMC.

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Novembre 2017

SMC launches digital flow switch for large flow

The latest digital flow switch to join the SMC family, PF3A7#H, monitors the consumption of the main line with a 100:1 ratio.

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SMC remains in pole position with enhanced air slide table

SMC has launched an air slide table that is believed to be the most precise, compact and lightweight, offering outstanding performance.

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Septembre 2017

SMC’s new soft start-up valve cuts energy consumption

SMC, the worldwide leading expert in pneumatics, has updated its AV directional control valve that consumes as little as 0.35W and is suitable for continuous energising.

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SMC rolls out its most compact cylinder featuring a linear guide

SMC, the worldwide leading expert in pneumatics, has launched a compact cylinder with an integrated linear guide. The innovative MXZ Series benefits from using the design of a compact cylinder, coupled with a linear guide that delivers market leading accuracy and linearity.

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SMC’s new 3-screen monitor is latest addition to its sensor family

SMC has introduced the PSE300AC Series to the monitor market. It simplifies the remote monitoring of different types of sensors being used on a factory floor. Thanks to the display colours and screen layout, the PSE300AC allows three different items to be watched at the same time, enabling operators to view the status of applications at a glance.

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SMC’s latest main line filter features high filtration and water removal capabilities

SMC has launched a new stainless steel main line filter with 1 µm nominal filtration rating. The AFF#D Series can remove water droplets without the need for an additional water separator, creating greater efficiencies and space savings.

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SMC brings solutions to life at COMPAMED 2017

COMPAMED 2017 13 -16 November 2017 Düsseldorf Trade Fair, Düsseldorf, Germany Hall 8B, Stand H04 Visitors to this year’s COMPAMED will have a chance to view SMC’s diverse range of specialist solutions for the Life Sciences industry.

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Aout 2017

SMC’s latest valve offers a modular solution for FRL units

The latest VP#17 Series from SMC completes the portfolio of 3 port pressure relief valves for FRL (Filter Regulator Lubricator) units, where electrically operated valves are required.

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Juillet 2017

SMC showcases the right tools for the best performance at EMO 2017

EMO 2017 18 - 23 September 2017 Hannover Exhibition Centre Hall 6, Stand H66 SMC, a global leader in pneumatic and electrical automation technology, will be taking a step into the future as it reveals its tool box of solutions for operators working towards Industry 4.0 at this year’s EMO.

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Juin 2017

SMC’s launches new air saving speed controllers

SMC has launched two air saving speed controllers that reduce energy consumption and are as simple to operate as standard models.

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May 2017

The call to the image is too long and obviously is incorrect

VXB Series, angle seat valve for air, steam and heated water that delivers an extended operating life, low leakage levels and a compact design, now providing an easy visual check too.

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SMC helps customers ‘EXpand’ their communications

The sharp growth in manufacturing automation and the adoption of the Industrial Internet of Things has seen a rise in interest for SMC’s serial interface solutions.

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SMC steps up with full suite of solutions to support every step of the packaging process

As SMC commits to work in partnership with its customers worldwide to drive productivity, performance and energy efficiency, the global automation expert has developed a full range of solutions that have the flexibility to adapt and evolve with its customers’ packaging needs.

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SMC gives the power of motion to customers

SMC customers can feel the full force of its electric actuator range thanks to ongoing investment in its product portfolio that now delivers total movement and control for any application.

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Keeping five steps ahead of energy efficiency

In our 24/7 economy and as Governments and industries battle with our thirst for ever increasing supplies of energy, the global automation specialist, SMC, commits to work in partnership with its customers to drive energy efficiency and reduce wastage.

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SMC Gives Customers Peace of Mind For 2017

Industry is being offered ‘peace of mind’ in 2017 as SMC highlights the opportunity to improve production and ultimately costs through a focus on efficient temperature control.

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SMC raises the bar at drinktec 2017 with versatile solutions

drinktec 2017 11 - 15 September 2017 Messe, Munich Hall B3, Stand 510 SMC, a global leader in pneumatic and electrical automation technology, will be serving up a range of flexible solutions dedicated to the beverage industry at this year’s drinktec from stand 510 in Hall B3.

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SMC’s success continues following investment in R&D and recruitment

SMC, the worldwide leading expert in pneumatics, has recorded another year of growth across its global network, reporting total operating income of €1,187.81 million and net sales of €4,140.72 million [€633.9 million for Europe], an uplift of 3%.

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SMC showcases its unique portfolio of cooling and tempering devices at Laser World 2017

LASER WORLD OF PHOTONICS 2017 26 to 29 June 2017 Munich Trade Fair Centre, Messe, Germany Hall B3, Stand 351 SMC will be revealing its diverse range of cooling and temperature controlling devices that combine both high and constant cooling capacity with optimum cost effectiveness at this year’s Laser World.

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April 2017

SMC rolls out two new compact cylinders

SMC’s latest compact cylinders, the JMGP guide cylinder and the compact JCQ Series, have been designed with weight and space savings in mind. Both help to reduce machine sizes and costs, and deliver increased efficiency due to their lightweight nature which could enhance cycle time.

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March 2017

SMC Launches New 2/3 Port Media Separated Valve

SMC’s new 2/3 Port media separated LVMK20/200 valve series has been designed to prevent armature sticking and corrosion that in the past has led to equipment or valve failure. By preventing fluid from entering the solenoid assembly, it remains pollution free from oil, metal and dust particles, improving overall performance and reliability.

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SMC unpacks its customer solutions at INTERPACK 2017

INTERPACK 2017 4 to 10 May 2017 Messe, Düsseldorf, Germany Hall 15, Stand D58 Visitors to this year’s INTERPACK will have a chance to view SMC’s energy efficient automation solutions, machine safety components that meet ISO 13849, as well as clean design products for the food industry.

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January 2017

Speedy set-up guaranteed with new smc controllers

Two new in-line speed controllers from SMC have been unveiled which are quick and easy to set-up and operate. The in-line type AS features a new push-lock knob, offering simple locking and setting. The AS-FS comes with an indicator that allows for accurate adjustments.

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SMC Is The Perfect Component to Drive Exhibitors To Tire 2017

TIRE TECHNOLOGY EXPO 2017 14 - 16 February 2017 Hanover Hall 2, Stand 5088 SMC, a global leader in pneumatic and electrical automation technology, will be showcasing its range of products for the Tire industry, focusing on energy efficiency, machine safety and Industry 4.0, at this year’s Tire Technology Expo.

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