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SMC Nyheter

Tips och nyheter kring automation

Mars 2025

Ny kundberättelse: Smartlift & SMC - A partnership lifting quality to new heights

Smartlift, a leading manufacturer of innovative lifting solutions, has optimized their vacuum technology in collaboration with SMC.

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Februari 2025

SMC lanserar ny elektrisk cylinder för livsmedelsindustrin – HF2A-LEY

Nya HF2A-LEY är framtagen för att möta kraven inom livsmedelsindustrin och passar perfekt i maskiner som utsätts för regelbunden desinfektion och rengöring. Cylindern har en damm- och spolsäker, rostfri profil med motsvarande IP69K-klassning, material i enlighet med FDA*, samt livsmedelsgodkänt fett enligt NSF H1. Utrustad med AC-servo-motor ger cylindern en exakt positionering inom applikationer som exempelvis skärning, hackning och fyllning av livsmedel.

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SMC's ZKJ vacuum manifold offers fieldbus compatibility for remote industrial equipment communication

General industrial equipment designers, manufacturers and maintainers can now benefit from the new SMC ZKJ vacuum manifold with PROFINET, EtherCAT, IO-Link, EtherNet/IP™-enabled communication for remotely controlling and monitoring manufacturing processes. The ZKJ also offers impressive suction flow rate taking its low air consumption and low power consumption specifications into account. Other features include valve protection functionality, IP65 rating and the ability to control up to 16 ejectors with a single manifold.

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Grab the benefits of SMC clamp-on ultrasonic flow sensor

Global automation specialist SMC is once again extending its innovation credentials by unveiling a clamp-on flow sensor for liquids. Notably, the new PFUW series uses ultrasonics to measure the flow rate of fluids travelling inside piping. Users can deploy the sensors to measure the flow of various liquids, including oil, antifreeze, chemical fluids, water, beverages and more.

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Januari 2025

Styr upp till 16 axlar med SMC:s kompakta kontrollenhet för rampmontage

SMC lanserar JXD1-M, en rampmonterad kontrollenhet med batterilös absolutenkoder. Anslutningar görs från framsidan och enheten detekterar automatiskt typ av linjärenhet, något som leder till en enkel och felfri installation. Designen utan fläkt minskar underhållsbehovet och de långsiktiga driftskostnaderna. Enheten styr upp till 16 axlar och stöder en rad olika protokoll, vilket gör den till en mycket flexibel lösning för kontroll av elektriska linjärenheter.

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Snabb statisk neutralisering utan tryckluft med ny joniserare från SMC – IZT44/45

SMC lanserar en ny serie med ytterst kompakta stavjoniserare, IZT44/45, perfekta för snabb neutralisering av statiskt laddad plastfilm vid transport, skärning och i förpackningsapplikationer. Elimineringen av statisk elektricitet sker utan tryckluft och upp till 8 stavar kan anslutas till den separata kontrollenheten. Det ger en kompakt installation för trånga utrymmen som samtidigt är enkel att skala upp vid behov.

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SMC serves up new electric actuator for food industry

To perform in demanding operating environments such as those prevalent in the food industry, SMC is unveiling its advanced HF2A-LEY series rod-type electric actuator. Features such as IP69K-equivalent ingress protection, the use of stainless steel and FDA-compliant construction materials, a smooth profile preventing liquid accumulation and NSF H1 food-grade grease, make the HF2A-LEY electric actuator suitable for food cutting, chopping and filling machines. Indeed, any food processing machines subject to regular cleaning and sanitising regimes are able to benefit.

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December 2024

Forbes Magazine Ranks SMC Corporation in “World's Best Employers 2024”

SMC has been ranked among the “World's Best Employers 2024” by Forbes, a leading U.S. business magazine.

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SMC Smart Assets: Asset management for the digital age

In a move set to help shape the future of Industry 4.0, SMC is launching Smart Assets, a progressive project which will make the asset management requirements of both machine builders and end users fit for the digital age. With collaboration from leading academic and industrial partners, Smart Assets will ultimately lead to the automatic generation of dynamic and data-rich digital representations of all 700,000+ SMC products, helping companies to boost efficiency, interoperability and sustainability. The project will run until 2026.

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Avoid moisture with SMC’s new condensation checker

SMC is unveiling its PSH condensation checker to provide designers and users of pneumatic systems with a highly reliable yet cost-effective way of monitoring temperature and humidity. The new PSH is a very useful device for visualising issues and preventing condensation before it leads to the potential malfunction, failure and costly replacement of important system components.

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November 2024

Dressa din cobot med SMC – nya gripdon ökar produktiviteten

SMC lanserar tre nya cobot-gripdon med fokus på enkel installation, hög flexibilitet och låg vikt för att korta arbets- och cykeltiden i en mängd olika applikationer inom materialhantering. I fokus står ett nytt vakuumgripdon med skum, ZGS, det kompletta, elektriska vakuumgripdonet ZXPE5 och de elastiska fingrarna MH-X7654. Alla är designade för att öka produktiviteten!

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SMC Standardizes Email Addresses Globally

SMC, a global company operating in more than 80 countries, is taking a significant step to harmonize its international communication by standardizing email addresses worldwide.

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New SMC vacuum gripper takes hold of efficient palletising

New from SMC is the ZGS compact and efficient all-in-one vacuum gripping system. Offering seamless integration with both industrial and collaborative robots, the precise control and integrated design of ZGS series vacuum grippers make for reliable performance in a host of palletising and de-palletising applications.

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SMC 64-station valve manifold: more stations, more possibilities

SMC is introducing its JSY3000-L series 64-station, five-port solenoid valve manifold to support the effective control of more components than ever before from a single manifold. Indeed, SMC is taking the concept of centralised control management a step further by simultaneously releasing the JSY3000-P series, which provides the further potential of connecting electro-pneumatic regulators to the manifold alongside solenoid valves.

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Oktober 2024

Make carbon-neutral connections with SMC

Any company building or operating pneumatic systems can now take the opportunity to reduce their carbon footprint by adopting SMC’s innovative new biomass tubing. Manufactured using plant-based biomaterials, TU-TS-T-X309 series tubing drives a reduction in the emissions of CO2 and greenhouse gases. With less use of petroleum-based raw materials, the tubing helps companies achieve a notable step forward in their decarbonisation efforts.

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Static charge disappears into thin air with slim SMC ionizer

To help dissipate static charge and the often disastrous consequences this phenomenon wreaks on a broad spread of confined-space production machines and systems, SMC is releasing its IZT44/45 series slim bar-type ionizer. The close pitch of the integral emitters make the IZT44/45 series adept at quickly neutralising components carrying a high level of static charge. Notably, SMC’s slim bar-type ionizer can operate effectively without a compressed air supply.

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Compact SMC cylinder supports energy-efficient machines

Among numerous major benefits of the new CQE series compact pneumatic cylinder from SMC is energy efficiency. CQE cylinders support a reduction in machine pressure without any negative effects on performance, providing high output force even at low pressure. Users can therefore reduce the supply pressure without increasing actuator bore size, facilitating a significant reduction in energy costs.

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September 2024

Enkelhet i fokus med SMC:s nya elektriska gripdon för cobots

SMC lanserar LEHR, ett elektriskt gripdon för kollaborativa robotar, med plug-and-play-konfiguration för UNIVERSAL ROBOTS och FANUC. LEHR har en ISO-kompatibel fläns och signalanslutning, samt inbyggd manuell växlare för att förenkla verktygsbyten. Tillsammans med den batterilösa absolut-enkodern förenklas start och återstart, vilket sparar tid och säkerställer produktionskvaliteten i en mängd olika applikationer, tex. montering, förpackning och kvalitetsinspektion.

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SMC joins IDTA in support of a digital future

In July 2024, global automation product specialist SMC became a member of the Industrial Digital Twin Association (IDTA). Joining such a powerful community will reap great advantages for the ongoing digital future of the company and its customers. In particular, IDTA membership will ensure SMC always remains abreast of the latest digital twin advances, while simultaneously allowing the company to help shape digital-twin developments in support of Industry 4.0 success.

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Remembrance event for Honorary Chairman, Yoshiyuki Takada

We hereby would like to announce a remembrance event for our esteemed Honorary Chairman, Yoshiyuki Takada, who passed away on Saturday, April 20, 2024 (JST), at the age of 97.

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Pressrelease: Undvik fukt med SMC:s nya kondensdetektor

SMC introducerar kondensdetektorn, PSH för en kostnadseffektiv övervakning av luftfuktighet och temperatur i pneumatiska system. Genom att hjälpa till att förhindra kondensation, säkerställer PSH högkvalitativ tryckluft och säkrar funktionen samt minskar underhållet i en mängd olika applikationer, såsom exempelvis verktygsmaskiner, laserhuvuden och utrustning för livsmedelsförpackningar.

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New SMC air flow controller combines a flow sensor and pressure regulator in a single unit

SMC is unveiling an innovative air flow controller that combines a flow sensor and electro-pneumatic regulator in a single product. The result for equipment designers and engineers is a space saving of up to 50%, significantly less piping and cables, and reduced installation time. In addition, the new IN502-44/45/46 allows the precise and reliable control of air flow rate as it is not dependant on piping conditions, pressure differential or temperature. The product benefits any application involving flow control, such as painting, packaging and welding systems across any industry, in particular automotive and food.

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Augusti 2024

SMC-biljett till Euroexpo i Falun den 28-29 augusti

Den 28-29 augusti 2024 är vi på plats på industrimässan EURO EXPO i Falun.

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Möt oss på Trä & Teknik i Göteborg den 3–6 september

3–6 september 2024, Svenska Mässan, Göteborg

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Juli 2024

Elastic gripper finger offers unrivalled adaptability

SMC is unveiling an innovative elastic finger actuator that boosts the versatility and productivity of automated gripping applications. The rubber sheet fingers of the MH-X7654 adapt to handling objects of different sizes or shapes, thus avoiding the need for specific gripper finger designs for each item.

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Juni 2024

Framtidens robotik: Global tillväxt, AI och kollaborativa robotar i fokus

Den globala robotikmarknaden upplever en dynamisk utveckling med en kraftig tillväxt inom både industriella robotar och servicerobotar. “Med den snabba utvecklingen inom robotik ökar behovet av utbildning och kompetensutveckling”, säger Torbjörn Lundberg, företagsledare på SMC Automation.

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Pressrelease: SMC Corporation Appoints Bianca Brunell as New General Manager for the Nordic and Baltic Countries

SMC Corporation is pleased to announce the appointment of Bianca Brunell as the new General Manager for SMC’s Nordic and Baltic countries, effective June 1, 2024. Bianca Brunell brings 27 years of experience in the technology industry, having previously served as Head of Supply Chain at SMC Nordic & Baltic Countries. Her leadership and expertise in the field will be instrumental in driving the region’s continued success and innovation.

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Problems meeting your suction flow requirements? Discover SMC’s lightweight and highly efficient multistage ejector

SMC Corporation, global leader in industrial automation, introduces an improved version of the ZL1/ZL3/ZL6 series, a renewed multistage ejector range designed to meet the increasing demand for weight reduction in robotics applications, as well as offering IO-Link communication. This product from SMC’s vacuum range offers enhanced suction flow capabilities for workpieces with high levels of leakage while ensuring energy efficiency.

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May 2024

SMC:s kompakta kompressor genererar tryck eller vakuum i mobila applikationer

Nya kompressorn CRP är kompakt med låg ljudnivå och anpassad för kontinuerlig drift i mobila applikationer där luft inte finns tillgänglig, till exempel i anslutning till robotar som använder tryckluft vid verktygsväxling. Förmågan att generera tryck eller vakuum gör till CRP en mångsidig problemlösare i både tryck- och vakuumapplikationer. Det oljefria utförandet minskar underhållet avsevärt och sparar därmed både tid och pengar.

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April 2024

Minnesruna: Hedersordförande Yoshiyuki Takada

Det är med djup sorg som vi tillkännager att vår uppskattade hedersordförande Yoshiyuki Takada har gått bort. Mr. Takada dog fridfullt lördagen den 20 april 2024, medan han var under läkarvård.

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SMC undertecknar FN:s Global Compact

Idag är SMC CORPORATION glada att meddela att vi har undertecknat FN:s Global Compact Initiative – en frivillig ledarskapsplattform för utveckling, implementering och utförande av ansvarsfulla affärsmetoder.

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Relief Aid for Earthquakes in Taiwan

We would like to extend our deepest condolences to those who lost their lives in the Earthquakes off the east coast of Taiwan on April 3, 2024, and our heartfelt sympathy to all those affected by the disaster.

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Mars 2024

SMC Women on spotlight

During the month of March SMC is highlighting the great women we have in the company. Here you can meet Eeva, Helena and Joan.

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SMC receives the “Supplier Excellence Award 2024” from Applied Materials

SMC received the “Supplier Excellence Awards 2024” from Applied Materials, Inc. (herein after “AMAT”), one of the largest semiconductor and display equipment company.

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SMC receives the “Supplier Excellence Award 2024” from Applied Materials

SMC received the “Supplier Excellence Awards 2024” from Applied Materials, Inc. (herein after “AMAT”), one of the largest semiconductor and display equipment company.

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Spara utrymme och minska dina cykeltider med SMC:s nya elektroniska flödesregulator

SMC lanserar nu en innovativ luftflödesregulator för applikationer som till exempel målning, förpackning och svetssystem inom alla branscher, i synnerhet fordon och livsmedel.

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New electric actuator makes light work of heavy loads

SMC is releasing its LET-X11 series of high-performance belt-driven electric actuators, which provide users with a number of key advantages. Alongside exceptional speed and load capabilities, LET-X11 electric actuators offer lightweight yet robust construction, easy maintenance and advanced auto switch mounting. These versatile products are also suitable for high-speed vertical transfer applications.

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Februari 2024

Ny expertartikel: Elektro-pneumatiska regulatorn följer med sin tid

Medan vissa produkter eller prylar helt enkelt försvinner på grund av den tekniska utvecklingen – såsom bandspelare, disketter eller faxar – anpassar sig andra efter behovet.

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Januari 2024

SMC to introduce new EXW1 Series Compact Wireless System

SMC is introducing the new EXW1 Series Compact Wireless System with an increased range of up to 100 m. Similar in technology to the current EX600-W, the EXW1 is smaller, lighter and fieldbus compatible, and with improved features that augment the current portfolio.

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No air source? No problem with SMC’s new compact compressor

The new SMC CRP series compact compressor allows design engineers to take advantage of an innovative product that allows the use of pneumatic components in areas without air source, making it perfect for use in mobile applications. Moreover, designers have the option of using the versatile CRP series as a compressor (positive pressure) or vacuum pump (negative pressure), simply by connecting the pipes in the corresponding way.

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Improve your secondary battery manufacturing

SMC provides a large portfolio of products specially designed for secondary battery industry. These 25A-series are compatible with dew points as low as -70°C and include material restrictions for copper and zinc. Explore the benefits of SMC’s 25A products to improve your productivity.

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Give your robot extended reach with the 7'th axis ​

Do you want to give your robot even more flexibility? Slide into a new dimension with SMC!​

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SMC-biljett till EURO EXPO i Karlstad den 24-25 januari

Den 24-25 januari 2024 är vi på plats på industrimässan EURO EXPO i Karlstad.

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Notification regarding the Earthquake felt in northern Ishikawa area on January 1, 2024

At 16:10 on January 1, 2024 (JST), a huge earthquake with a magnitude of 7.6 struck the Noto region, northern part of Ishikawa Prefecture Japan.

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December 2023

SMC JSXF-P controls multiple valves with just one signal

SMC is introducing its innovative JSXF-P series of pulse valves for the effective and efficient dislodging of foreign matter during cleaning procedures. The new JSXF-P SMARTVENT type pulse valve offers a number of notable benefits, including a built-in control board, high peak pressure, low air consumption and long service life.

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SMC JSY1000-E takes control of valves and ejectors in a single manifold

SMC is once again demonstrating its innovation prowess with the company’s new JSY1000-E valve manifold with fully integrated ejector system. This optimal combination provides a complete solution for positive and negative (vacuum) pressure that allows users to control valves and ejectors in a single, simple manifold. Reducing both physical dimensions and weight, the JSY1000-E also has an energy function available that decreases energy consumption substantially and improves process efficiency.

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God jul och gott nytt år!

Vi på SMC skulle vilja tacka för förtroendet ni har gett oss under det gångna året. och ser fram emot ett fortsatt gott samarbete under 2024.

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November 2023

MGPK – Ny kompaktcylinder skapar förutsättningar för mindre maskiner

Nu lanserar SMC Automation den styrda kompaktcylindern MGPK, med marknadens lägsta vikt bland likvärdiga produkter men ändå med samma lastkapacitet som föregångaren MGPM. Lättare och mindre utförande skapar förutsättningar för mindre maskiner.

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