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Den nye HF2A-LEY er designet til at imødekomme kravene i fødevare og farmaindustrien og passer perfekt ind i maskiner, der regelmæssigt udsættes for desinfektion og rengøring. Cylinderen er designet i rustfrit stål med IP69K kapsling, samt materialer i overensstemmelse med FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) og fødevaregodkendt fedt i henhold til NSF H1. Cylinderen er udstyret med en 230VAC-servomotor og giver præcis positionering i applikationer indenfor fødevarer og farma applikationer.
SMC has been ranked among the “World's Best Employers 2024” by Forbes, a leading U.S. business magazine.
In a move set to help shape the future of Industry 4.0, SMC is launching Smart Assets, a progressive project which will make the asset management requirements of both machine builders and end users fit for the digital age. With collaboration from leading academic and industrial partners, Smart Assets will ultimately lead to the automatic generation of dynamic and data-rich digital representations of all 700,000+ SMC products, helping companies to boost efficiency, interoperability and sustainability. The project will run until 2026.
SMC, a global company operating in more than 80 countries, is taking a significant step to harmonize its international communication by standardizing email addresses worldwide.
SMC Danmark deltager til Foodtech messen i Herning til efteråret. Vi vil gerne invitere dig til at besøge os på stand 7384 i hal J3. Kom og se vores nyeste teknologier og løsninger til din fødevareindustri.
In July 2024, global automation product specialist SMC became a member of the Industrial Digital Twin Association (IDTA). Joining such a powerful community will reap great advantages for the ongoing digital future of the company and its customers. In particular, IDTA membership will ensure SMC always remains abreast of the latest digital twin advances, while simultaneously allowing the company to help shape digital-twin developments in support of Industry 4.0 success.
We hereby would like to announce a remembrance event for our esteemed Honorary Chairman, Yoshiyuki Takada, who passed away on Saturday, April 20, 2024 (JST), at the age of 97.
SMC præsenterer ny kondensationssensor PSH-serien, som overvåger temperatur og fugtighed i pneumatiske systemer. Dette hjælper med at forhindre kondens, der kan føre til fejl og dyre reparationer. Dette produkt er designet til designingeniører, kvalitetsinspektører og vedligeholdelsesteknikere, da den sikrer høj kvalitet af trykluft i applikationer som værktøjsmaskiner, lasermaskiner og fødevareemballageudstyr.
SMC Corporation is pleased to announce the appointment of Bianca Brunell as the new General Manager for SMC’s Nordic and Baltic countries, effective June 1, 2024. Bianca Brunell brings 27 years of experience in the technology industry, having previously served as Head of Supply Chain at SMC Nordic & Baltic Countries. Her leadership and expertise in the field will be instrumental in driving the region’s continued success and innovation.
It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of our esteemed Honorary Chairman, Yoshiyuki Takada. Mr. Takada passed away peacefully on Saturday, April 20, 2024, at the hour of 4:00am, while under medical care.
Today, SMC CORPORATION is pleased to announce that we have signed the United Nations Global Compact Initiative – a voluntary leadership platform for the development, implementation and disclosure of responsible business practices.
We would like to extend our deepest condolences to those who lost their lives in the Earthquakes off the east coast of Taiwan on April 3, 2024, and our heartfelt sympathy to all those affected by the disaster.
During the month of March SMC is highlighting the great women we have in the company. Here you can meet Eeva, Helena and Joan.
SMC received the “Supplier Excellence Awards 2024” from Applied Materials, Inc. (herein after “AMAT”), one of the largest semiconductor and display equipment company.
SMC lancerer nu en innovativ flowregulator designet til at imødekomme alle applikationer som for eksempel maling, emballage og svejsning.
SMC Danmark deltager på R24 i år, hvor vi vil vise spændende nyheder frem inden for industriel robotteknologi.
The new SMC CRP series compact compressor allows design engineers to take advantage of an innovative product that allows the use of pneumatic components in areas without air source, making it perfect for use in mobile applications. Moreover, designers have the option of using the versatile CRP series as a compressor (positive pressure) or vacuum pump (negative pressure), simply by connecting the pipes in the corresponding way.
SMC is introducing the new EXW1 Series Compact Wireless System with an increased range of up to 100 m. Similar in technology to the current EX600-W, the EXW1 is smaller, lighter and fieldbus compatible, and with improved features that augment the current portfolio.
SMC provides a large portfolio of products specially designed for secondary battery industry. These 25A-series are compatible with dew points as low as -70°C and include material restrictions for copper and zinc. Explore the benefits of SMC’s 25A products to improve your productivity.
Joan Nowak Høgh overtager ledelsen af det japanskejede datterselskab SMC Danmark, der har fokus på løsninger til industriel automation. Hun skal nu sikre, at SMC Danmark holder vækstkursen og styrker den globale førerpositionen inden for blandt andet pneumatiske og elektriske bevægelsesløsninger.
Do you want to give your robot even more flexibility? Slide into a new dimension with SMC!
At 16:10 on January 1, 2024 (JST), a huge earthquake with a magnitude of 7.6 struck the Noto region, northern part of Ishikawa Prefecture Japan.
SMC is once again demonstrating its innovation prowess with the company’s new JSY1000-E valve manifold with fully integrated ejector system. This optimal combination provides a complete solution for positive and negative (vacuum) pressure that allows users to control valves and ejectors in a single, simple manifold. Reducing both physical dimensions and weight, the JSY1000-E also has an energy function available that decreases energy consumption substantially and improves process efficiency.
SMC is introducing its innovative JSXF-P series of pulse valves for the effective and efficient dislodging of foreign matter during cleaning procedures. The new JSXF-P SMARTVENT type pulse valve offers a number of notable benefits, including a built-in control board, high peak pressure, low air consumption and long service life.
Vi ønsker alle en glædelig jul og giver et kort tilbageblik på året 2023. Tak for et godt samarbejde til vores kunder og samarbejdspartnere, vi glæder os til et nyt år med spændende nyheder og muligheder. Vi holder åbent imellem jul og nytår fra d. 27. - 29. december.
SMC Danmark er stolte af at lancere den nye og forbedrede kompaktcylinder MGPK, som giver maskinbyggere en bæredygtig løsning med markedets laveste vægt blandt tilsvarende produkter. Denne opgradering giver mulighed for let og simpelt design til mindre maskiner, samtidig med at den bibeholder den samme imponerende belastningskapacitet som den tidligere MGPM-model.
SMC is unveiling an innovative air flow controller that combines a flow sensor and electro-pneumatic regulator in a single product. The result for equipment designers and engineers is a space saving of up to 50%, significantly less piping and cables, and reduced installation time. In addition, the new IN502-44/45 allows the precise and reliable control of air flow rate as it is not dependant on piping conditions, pressure differential or temperature. The product benefits any application involving flow control, such as painting, packaging and welding systems across any industry, in particular automotive and food.
The new JSY3000-S is a bottom-ported manifold with stainless steel plate and FDA-compliant fittings that delivers extended operating life in food and beverage manufacturing environments. Part of SMC’s extensive directional control valve family, the new plug-in JSY3000-S is cabinet-mounted with a robust bottom seal and the piping connections facing outwards. This design configuration helps to protect the valve against both corrosion and splashes from water, ensuring its suitability for location near any type of equipment that requires wash-down procedures.
SMC præsenterer en innovativ løsning med deres nye elektriske lineære kugleføring og cylinder, der kombinerer integreret kontroller og nem programmering. Denne nyhed åbner op for en lang række anvendelsesmuligheder takket være den dedikerede software, der følger med enheden. Med indbygget kontroller og muligheden for at vælge mellem tre forskellige positioner er denne elektriske aktuator en kompakt og brugervenlig løsning.
We would like to extend our deepest condolences to those who lost their lives in the terrible Earthquakes occurred in the Kingdom of Morocco on September 8, 2023, and our heartfelt sympathy to all those affected by the disaster.
The new EQ series of slide-type and rod-type electric actuators from SMC feature a fully integrated controller, providing a simpler to set-up, easier-to-use, space-saving solution that simultaneously helps users to save energy and reduce CO2 emissions. As a further advantage, EQ series electric actuators offer straightforward control with simple and exclusive software which helps users to start the actuators working via a single screen in just three steps. First, users choose ‘set operation mode’, before specifying the stopping positions and finally defining the speed, acceleration and deceleration values. It is no more complex than controlling a two- or three-position solenoid valve.
The new JSB series angle seat valve from SMC offers a number of key advantages to OEMs and end users alike, combining long service life, low pressure loss and compact dimensions with a high flow rate. Suitable for use with steam, water and air, optimisation of the JSB’s body flow profile ensures this space-saving valve can deliver the same flow rate as larger counterparts and, in turn, support system energy savings.
SMC Danmark runder i år en vigtig milepæl og har siden 1998 solgt pneumatiske og elektriske bevægelsesløsninger til maskinbyggere og industrivirksomheder. Der er en god grund til at kippe med flaget i Horsens, for det japanske datterselskab har aldrig haft et stærkere produktsortiment end netop nu.
The specialist for pneumatic and electric automation SMC got the "Bosch Global Supplier Award" in the category "Indirect Purchasing and Services" for its top performance as a supplier.
For at understøtte de korte leveringstider tilbyder SMC både globale og lokale lagerbeholdninger.
All sectors across general manufacturing and automation can take advantage of the SMC ZHV air amplifier, a new product that offers high flow rates which are fully adjustable to suit specific customer requirements. This energy-efficient, compact and lightweight solution functions as either a blow-off or vacuum unit.
Vi er glade for at kunne informere, at SMC vil flytte og udvide sin nuværende Tsukuba Technical Center (JTC), og åben "Kashiwanoha Campus New Technical Center (foreløbig name)" i "Kashiwanoha Smart City" i efteråret 2025.
We are pleased to inform that SMC will be relocating and expanding its current Tsukuba Technical Center (JTC), and open “Kashiwanoha Campus New Technical Center (provisional name)” in the "Kashiwanoha Smart City" in the fall of 2025.
Coherent Corporation, a global leader in materials, networking, and lasers, has recognized SMC Corporation of America with the Outstanding Innovation & Technology Supplier 2023 award for their outstanding performance in 2022.
Nu lancerer SMC Air Management System, en smart enhed, der overvåger maskinens drift og sænker eller slukker trykket i produktionspausen. Op til 62% af trykluftforbruget kan reduceres, samtidig med at ydeevnen opretholdes, og brugeren modtager alle relevante driftsdata via fieldbusprotokol eller OPC UA, hvilket giver et godt grundlag for tilstandsbaseret vedligeholdelse.
News from SMC Corporation. As a comprehensive manufacturer of automation equipment, SMC aims to fulfil its product supply responsibilities and maintain the trust of customers by contributing to sustainable growth and the expansion of reliable technological innovations. To help deliver these objectives, SMC has a rock-solid Business Continuity Plan (BCP) that the company is now further strengthening to provide an even more robust automation and motion control offer for its global customer base.
As a comprehensive manufacturer of automation equipment, SMC aims to fulfil its product supply responsibilities and maintain the trust of customers by contributing to sustainable growth and the expansion of reliable technological innovations. To help deliver these objectives, SMC has a rock-solid Business Continuity Plan (BCP) that the company is now further strengthening to provide an even more robust automation and motion control offer for its global customer base.
Vi vil gerne udtrykke vores dybeste medfølelse til alle dem, der er berørt af de forfærdelige jordskælv, der fandt sted i det sydøstlige Tyrkiet den 6. februar 2023.
We would like to extend our heartfelt sympathies to all those affected by the terrible Earthquakes occurred in southeastern Turkey on February 6, 2023. And we sincerely hope that the relief efforts will progress rapidly.
SMC lancerer en ny kontroller med STO-funktion (Safe Torque Off) og SS1-t (Safe stop) til stepmotorer, for implementering i henhold til gældende ISO / IEC-standarder. Kan kombineres med batteriløse absolut encodere for kortere cyklustider og lettere genstart efter nødstop.
Leading industrial automation and IIoT specialist SMC is addressing the need to reduce CO2 emissions and cut energy consumption with the release of its latest innovation, the AMS20/30/40/60 Series compressed air management system. By adopting this revolutionary new air management unit, any company that deploys pneumatic processes can gain from reductions of up to 62% in compressed air consumption, benefiting both the environment and bottom line profitability.
General industrial equipment designers, manufacturers and maintainers can now benefit from the new SMC ZKJ vacuum manifold with PROFINET-enabled communication for remotely controlling and monitoring manufacturing processes. The ZKJ also offers impressive suction flow rate taking its low air consumption and low power consumption specifications into account. Other features include valve protection functionality, IP65 rating and the ability to control up to 16 ejectors with a single manifold.
The new JSY5000-H valve manifold from SMC is purpose-designed for use in food and beverage manufacturing plants, as well as breweries. Featuring a clean design to cope with regular wash-downs, the IP69K-compliant valve differentiates itself in the marketplace with its high flow rate, low power consumption and IO-Link point-to-point communication capability, bringing a new level of control to production.
Cobots and end effectors team up for affordable flexible solutions. While robotics led the way for the rapid growth of automation, we see cobots as the democratisation of robotics technology. They eliminate the cost and complex programming that robots usually require while providing much greater flexibility. By Andrea Trifone, Cobot project leader, SMC Italy