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Vitajte v SMC !

Digitálny katalóg

Kompaktný valec s vedením – séria MGP

Guide your movements precisely

  • Get a precise guide movement – ±0.03° of non-rotating accuracy
  • Design compact and lightweight machines – Reduced weight and required space due to guide rod and plate construction
  • Adapt it easily to your application – Wide range of product variation available.

Základné technické informácie

  • Bore sizes (mm): 12, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 63, 80, 100
  • Strokes up to 400 mm (depending upon bore size)
  • 3 types of bearing can be selected: slide bearing, ball bushing and high precision ball bushing
  • 4 types of mounting are possible: top mounting, side mounting, bottom mounting and T-slot side mounting
  • Battery manufacturing compatible version available
  • Auto switches can be mounted on 2 surfaces.

Krok 1: Výber prevedenia

Výber požadovaného prevedenia prvku.

Pre zmenu výberu prevedenia je nutné zmazať filtre.

Krok 2: Ľubovoľná konfigurácia

prevedenie vedenia
priemer piestu
typ pripojovacieho závitu
uzamykateľný smer
snímač polohy
konektor alebo vodiče