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4-bar factory

Accept the challenge

It’s estimated that the amount of electrical power used to generate compressed air represents 10% of all industrial energy. In some sectors, this proportion is known to be even higher.

So, by adjusting your facility to operate at a lower pressure, you can directly improve the energy efficiency in your factory and reduce electricity usage. Additionally, this helps to significantly decrease air leaks, as less air will escape through them. Lower pressure also results in reduced air consumption.

Reducing the resultant Carbon footprint is a responsibility of everyone and with 2030 targets on Green House Gas emissions, we should all contribute. Where compressed air is concerned, when we implement the right changes, the savings for the environment can be huge.

How to leap to the 4-bar factory? SMC's 3-step approach

There are many long-established ways to review and improve compressed air efficiency within the factory. Although useful, in many cases things like leak detection are simply reactive to the accepted norms.

4-bar factory offers a pro-active approach carried out in stages:

  • Factory Energy Use Analysis: Identify inefficient areas and machinery to identify where improvements should be prioritised.
  • Pressure & Flow Optimization: After local machine air usage analysis, lower delivery pressures to be implemented wherever practical without a need to make changes to existing machinery.
  • Ensure futureproofing: Formulate a new standard for new and upgraded machinery incorporating the most efficient products to operate efficiently at lower pressures.

SMC has already taken the lead in reducing pressures in our own factories and is committed to helping others to do the same. Join us and benefit from lower energy consumption, reduced CO2 emissions and operating costs whilst boosting your corporate profile.

Discover how SMC’s pro-active approach and innovative products can help you reduce compressed air pressure within your factory and win the 4-bar factory challenge.


See how it’s possible for machines to run at lower pressures

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Fabrice Buser, Global Account Manager, SMC CH

"Not so long ago, proposing energy-saving solutions in factories were not given much emphasis. Today, as long as those gains are massive, quick, and risk-free, it's a topic taken very seriously. To reduce a reliance on the compressor room, it's not just about reducing pressure: it's really about achieving harmony between machine demand and flow management in factories."

Fabrice Buser, Global Account Manager, SMC CH

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 Sustenabilitatea devine realizabilă cu Iván Martínez
Iván Martínez, Industries Manager, SMC Spain
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