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Guide rod type, ball screw (230 VAC) - LEYG

Your everyday pushing & pulling solution. Extra support

  • Transfer optimally, as required – Rigidly, precisely and robustly
  • Boost your productivity & speed up your start-up – Up to 1200 mm/s speed, 5000 mm/s² acceleration
  • Succeed in offering remarkable rigidity and precision – ±0.01 position repeatability. Up to 44 kg vertical displacement
  • Assemble it according to your needs – In-line or parallel motor.

Flere egenskaber og funktioner

  • Body size: 25, 32
  • Stroke: 30 to 300 mm
  • Compatible encoders: absolute, incremental
  • AC servo motor
  • Horizontal workload: up to 60 kg.

Konfigurer dit produkt

Bearing Type
Motor Mounting Position
Motor Type
Lead Screw
Motor Option
Guide Option
Actuator Cable type
Cable length
Driver Type
I/O Connector