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Succeshistorier fra SMC: Smartlift & SMC - Et samarbejde der løfter kvaliteten til nye højder 

Smartlift, en førende producent af innovative løfteløsninger, har i samarbejde med SMC optimeret deres vakuumteknologi. Ved at integrere SMC’s produkter har Smartlift opnået en mere digital og effektiv løsning, der ikke kun forbedrer deres produktionsprocesser, men også leverer en moderne og brugervenlig oplevelse for deres kunder. Dette partnerskab har vist sig at være en win-win for begge parter, hvor SMC’s ekspertise og robuste produkter har spillet en vigtig rolle i Smartlifts succes. Læs mere her   

Trådløs teknologi er førstevalget hos Beslag & Metall

Beslag & Metall var blandt de første i Sverige til at anvende SMC’s trådløse kommunikationssystem i 2016, drevet af nysgerrighed og et stærkt forhold til SMC. Succesen med systemet har ført til flere implementeringer, takket være dets pålidelighed og fordelene ved trådløs kommunikation i virksomhedens mobile og krævende applikationer.
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FG Robosys Elevates Robotic Bottling Efficiency with SMC's Innovative Air Management System

In the fiercely competitive cosmetics and personal care industries, operational efficiency and sustainability are not just advantages—they are necessities. FG Robosys, under the visionary leadership of founder and CEO Mr. Benedictus Tang, has positioned itself at the forefront of innovation in robotic bottling solutions. Based in the Netherlands with subsidiaries in Indonesia and the United States, the company has formed a strategic partnership with SMC to improve their filler machines, particularly the ROBO smartFLEX E80. This collaboration has been pivotal in reducing operational costs and environmental impact while enhancing flexibility and performance.

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Everything from a single mould: Pneumatic components for industrialised accumulation testing

A plug-and-run solution consisting of powerful compressed air components from SMC realises modularised and industrialised helium leak testing systems from Bosch Manufacturing Solutions.

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Environmentally friendly water filtration in the athletes' village

SMC components are in the NEREUS system that equips the Cycle building, a Zero-Waste demonstration building. It recycles and reuses in situ all the effluents in the athletes' village.
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Redon develops first user-configurable dental CNC device

The design processes for BestMill, the award-winning dental CNC, have been streamlined, resulting in improved quality. BestMill stands out as the first autonomous modular device capable of simultaneously feeding two CNCs. SMC has expedited our processes by providing compact, durable and sustainable solutions, fostering collaboration and reducing design time while enhancing overall quality and efficiency

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SMC keeps Brodit’s production rolling

With the experience of manufacturing thousands of products on 50 special production machines, the foundation of the long-term cooperation between Brodit and SMC is built on trust, automation expertise and a wide range of reliable products.
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"Robots are our life"

Robotics has been experiencing a boom in recent years as processes are automated to make them more productive and counteract the shortage of skilled labour. Robots are also very flexible to use and their prices have fallen in recent years. Robotec Solutions AG from Seon in the canton of Aargau is leading the way. The company's success is down to its passion, years of experience and expertise, as well as the ideal technology from sound partners
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Real-time bio-detection of micropollutants for water purification

ToxMate, a technological breakthrough from ViewPoint, marks a turning point in the instant detection of micropollutants in treated water from urban and industrial wastewater treatment plants and drinking water treatment plants. A highlight of the measuring system is its remarkably precise temperature control, the result of a close collaboration with SMC.
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From sampling to diagnosis without errors

Inpeco's revolutionary process automation system for anatomic pathology laboratories reduces the risk of error and increases the productivity of pathologists through end-to-end specimen tracking and automated paraffin block preparation using SMC's precise electric actuators and innovative Thermo-chiller.
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Trådløs I/O-teknologi åbner helt nye muligheder for PV Systems

SMC’s trådløse system åbner nye døre inden for maskinbyggere. Denne teknologi fører til færre kabler og stik, lettere montering og vedligeholdelse samt reducerer risikoen for kabelbrud og afbrydelser.
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IPTE and SMC are collaborating on the development of an innovative testing solution for temperature control in the manufacture of electric vehicles

In search of an innovative solution, IPTE, the Belgian multinational based in Reus, shared with its technological partner, SMC, the challenge of being able to cool parts during tests in a revolutionary system intended for one of its prestigious Tier 1 electric vehicle clients. The result: a robust, reliable, highly efficient solution, adaptable to various sectors and countries. The key to success has been continuous collaboration, customisation and after-sales service.
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Highly reliable wireless communications allow the smart machine to process over 10,000 tulip bulbs per hour

ISO, Horti Innovators, revolutionises agriculture and horticulture automation using robotics, vision technology, AI, and machine learning. Tulip bulb growers are among their key focal points. ISO developed a wireless communication solution, provided by SMC, that enables growers to efficiently sort and pack an unprecedented number of tulip bulbs while addressing complex design challenges.
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SMC drives compressed air efficiency at global automotive supplier Valeo

Valeo - Worldwide - Måle trykluftforbrug
As part of a commitment to drive a 45% reduction in carbon footprint across its entire value chain by 2030 (and move towards carbon neutrality by 2050), global automotive supplier Valeo is taking advantage of the innovative air-saving initiatives and technologies available from industrial automation specialist SMC. The project, which began at Valeo in France but is rolling out across the group’s international locations, has delivered air consumption reductions of circa 50% in blowing and vacuum applications. Furthermore, reducing shop pressure (when possible) to 4 bar instead of the conventional 7 bar has provided 28% savings in compressed air without any compromise in efficiency.
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Perfect dosing for perfect tyres

Tyre - IP Serie positionere, PF Serie flowmålere og VP Serie sikkerhedsventiler
The SMC products used in Colorservice's automatic plants are key components in ensuring reliability in continuous plant automation and perfect dosing of the raw materials used in the manufacture of tyres from all the world's leading manufacturers. In order to guarantee the highest level of tyre safety and performance, the numerous raw materials that make up tyres must be dosed to perfection. Modern tyres can require dozens of raw materials and additives for their manufacture, which must be carefully mixed and dosed according to the specific recipe required.
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Eagle eyes with a soft touch: Full automation versatility for RoboInspect from Roboworker

Roboworker - Germany - SY serie ventilmanifold
Perfectly matched pneumatic and electric solutions for machines that inspect sintered parts and other workpieces. Medical implants, indexable inserts, drills, end mills, gears – the variety of metallic and ceramic components used in different industries is virtually endless. If large quantities are required, many of these components can be produced using sintering. They are often first pressed from powder in a sintering process and then heated. Some of the finished workpieces have to be inspected, labelled and packaged. This is best done automatically, non-stop. To ensure efficient quality assurance, Roboworker has developed RoboInspect, a machine for micrometre-accurate, all-round inspection of workpieces with high requirements. Both there and in other systems of the Roboworker product range, a wide range of electrical and pneumatic automation components from SMC are used.
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Food in pouches: an appealing convenience

IMA Fillshape - Italien - SMC ventiler SY-serien
IMA Fillshape's revolutionary food pouch forming and filling machines leverage SMC solutions to boost productivity and reliability. The flexible plastic pouches are increasingly popular with consumers around the world due to their excellent ease of use. Convenient and lightweight, they first became popular for baby food packaging, but are now widely used for a variety of other products, such as juices, sports drinks and wellness foods
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Precise Measurement Technology that is also great for the Climate

SubCtech – Yacht Club de Monaco - Ventiler

Unique treasure trove of data after world sailing tour.
Around the world in 80 days: that’s what sailor Boris Herrmann achieved at the beginning of 2021 in the toughest ocean regatta, the Vendée Globe. Defying all odds to reach the finish line is a challenge for human and material – right down to the smallest cells and components. Precise and robust technology from marine technology supplier SubCtech and pneumatics specialist SMC provided unique environmental benefits: During the round-the-world voyage of Herrmann's "Seaexplorer – Yacht Club de Monaco", an automated laboratory collected, among other things valuable CO2data over hitherto little-travelled sea routes. And another realisation: The success lies in the component.

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Low-cost and clean food production is no piece of cheese

Bayerische Milchindustrie eG - Tyskland - Cylinde
An innovation in protecting cylinders by SMC ensures lower-cost and consistently clean cheese production at Bayerische Milchindustrie eG. Whether for breakfast or with a glass of wine: cheese is much more than a staple food, it is a real indulgence. To keep it that way, high hygiene standards need to be satisfied during production. Among other things, aggressive chemicals are used to clean the production machinery, which previously required the use of durable, but expensive stainless steel cylinders. Thanks to a joint development by SMC and Technoflon Coating Systems, much lighter and lower cost aluminium cylinders can now be used – a real innovation for the food industry.
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Girbau optimises the energy efficiency of its automated ironing line in collaboration with SMC

Girbau - Spanien - Energioptimering
Sustainability and reduction of energy consumption have been key values for Girbau for many years. The company has recently launched a new ironing unit that is part of a complete automated line. Close collaboration between Girbau and SMC has made it possible to improve ironing quality and achieve an energy saving of 30%, a reduction of 25% in compressed air consumption and a 25% increase in the useful life of textile coatings.
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Flexible filling for healthy and sustainable foods

EmbaPlan GmbH - Schweiz - SY ventilmanifold
In the vast market for packaging machinery, the Swiss company EmbaPlan GmbH specialises in the development and manufacture of flexible filling machines for small quantity production runs, adapted to the needs of innovative and regional producers of high-quality foods. The company recently made a major upgrade to one of their filling machine models, adding a valve manifold from SMC for extra flexibility and performance.
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SMC’s position sensor transforms 360-degree window sanding machine from MB Maschinenbau into a true all-rounder

MB Maschinenbau - Tyskland - D-MP positionssenso
Is there a draught? If the answer is “yes”, then the window frame or door frame doesn’t fit properly. To ensure your home stays warm and the doors and windows to look attractive, all parts for these products need to be produced with great precision and sanded to perfection. Conventional all-around sanders can only be used either for window or door components. With just a minor design change, MB Maschinenbau has now made its ROBA Fentech profile sanding machine for wooden window profiles also suitable for door frames. When combined with an optical sensor, the D-MP position sensor from SMC ensures that the machine optimally recognizes all workpieces.
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Detect every leak: Precise leak detection for technical components. High-vacuum angle valves from SMC ensure clean and precise leak-detection tests at Worthmann

Worthmann Maschinenbau GmbH - Tyskland - Højvakuum ventiler
Worthmann has developed a helium leak-tightness test system, which uses high vacuum and mass spectrometers to identify even the smallest leaks in components – and it takes only one minute. High-vacuum angle valves from SMC’s XLA series provide the long service life and robustness necessary for the task.
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Face to face, not virtual

Beck Packautomaten - Tyskland - Stepmotor controller JXCP1 og LEY25A
While large companies are focusing entirely on digitisation, many small and medium-sized businesses are dependent on person-to-person support. Instead of investing energy in developing digital platforms, the innovativeness in this segment primarily arises from integrating external expertise into the development process. And this happens in an entirely hands-on, face-to-face manner, rather than virtually. The great success of this method indicates that it won't be going out of style in a hurry.
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A rebirth in the name of innovation

DMC Automation - Italien - Trådløs Fieldbus System

SMC, the world leader in pneumatic automation, and DMC Automation of Turin, which has created a robotic island equipped with SMC components, including an innovative wireless control transmission system, is a solid and stimulating technological partnership oriented towards the search for cutting-edge solutions.

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Pneumatik i bølgepapproduktion

Fosber - Italien - FRL-enheder mm.
SMC's omfattende udbud af pneumatiske automationskomponenter og verdensomspændende tilstedeværelse bidrager til Fosbers maksimale pålidelighed af bølgepaplinjer. Fosber, en nøglespiller på det globale marked for bølgepaplinjer, regner med SMC, når de skal finde løsninger til deres automatisering. En omfattende portefølje og verdensomspændende tilstedeværelse er baggrunden for alliance, der har varet i over 30 år.
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