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Dobrodošli u SMC

Budite naš partner zato što znamo; zato što možemo

Prehrambena industrija je pod velikim uticajem strogih zakonskih propisa. Na kraju dana, svi trebamo garanciju za hranu koju konzumiramo. Zbog toga su ove norme za nas glavno pitanje kada razvijamo specifična rešenja za ovu industriju. Ne samo u smislu materijala koji garantuju netoksične krajnje potrošačke proizvode, već i u smislu higijenskog dizajna, otpornost na koroziju materijala koji se koriste u čistim oblastima.

Rešenja koja idu, idu… kao i vaš proces 

Pored usklađenosti sa propisima o hrani, imamo i rešenja koja su spremna da ispune izazovne zahteve neprekidnog 24/7 rada. Zlatni standard za merenje produktivnosti proizvodnje. Komponente dugog veka trajanja kako bi se održali neprestani proizvodni procesi.

Identifikujte procenat vremena proizvodnje koji je zaista produktivan, sa OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness).

Naš tim stručnjaka, u 83 zemlje, ima specifičnu stručnost da podrži sve gore navedene dnevne izazove sa standardnim ili prilagođenim rešenjima koja podržavaju naših pet tehničkih centara, od kojih su dva locirana u Evropi.

Naši konkretni odgovori na vaša specifična pitanja

Prehrambena industrija ima brojne podindustrije i svaka od njih ima svoje specifičnosti. Dalje, možete otkriti različita rešenja koja nudimo za industrije kao što su grickalice, pivosir ili piće. Ako imate aplikaciju u drugoj podindustriji, obratite se našem lokalnom stručnjaku kako biste razgovarali o specifičnim rješenjima.

Stručnjaci za prehrambenu industriju rade zajedno sa našim timovima za energetsku efikasnost, jer proizvodnja bez prestanka uveliko doprinosi uvođenju kamena temeljaca energetske efikasnosti u proizvodnim pogonima.

Partnerstva na koja smo ponosni

SMC ima globalna partnerstva i članstva u industrijskim udruženjima. Na primer: Rockvell Encompass Partnership, EHEDG (Evropska grupa za higijensko inženjerstvo i dizajn),  PMMI (Institut za proizvođače ambalažnih mašina) i mi smo također članovi Ucima (Unione costrutore machine utensile Itali).


Experts in your industry

We are aware of the heterogeneity between the different processes within your industry. Please see our specific answers for them below.

Otkrijte našu opremu za prehrambenu industriju

Saznajte koji proizvodi vam mogu pomoći da poboljšate svoju produktivnost i postignete izuzetnu efikasnost sa našim posebno dizajniranim proizvodima za prehrambenu industriju:

Between 2020 and 2027, the food processing market is expected to grow with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.04% according to Verified Market Search. The industry will have to increase its productivity while simultaneously dealing with a lack of workers and cost pressure.

Diego Mirabelli – Industry Manager Food, Europe

Možda ste zainteresovani i za


Cleaning and disinfection are key parts in the production of high-quality products. Hygienic production involves various parts in the production process such as pipes, tanks or machines. 

At the end of each production cycle, all elements involved must be residues and microbial flora removed, to ensure the next cycle starts perfectly disinfected. 

Wet areas

Wet areas require elements which ensure durability and a clean design to wash them down easily. Furthermore, hygienic requirements, and food safety itself, demand them to offer high corrosion resistance to environmental agents such as moisture, dirt, chemicals from the actual food.

Below, please find a selection of our highlighted solutions for wet areas including clean-design cylinders, IP69K-rated, easy-to-clean valve terminals, and our range of non-corrosive components.

PET blowing applications

The flexible and rapid adaptation of your equipment to different bottle sizes and shapes, as well as ensuring the high quality of the bottles produced, are important issues for PET blow moulding applications where we support you with our product range.

Individually designed and standard products for applications up to 50 bar, mufflers and electro-pneumatic regulators enable the production of high-quality PET bottles at high speed.

Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)

In order to minimise, or avoid, maintenance and repair costs, as well as production losses due to downtimes, a high level of system availability is essential. Therefore, we can offer components and solutions that you can rely on at any time, even at high clock frequencies and in continuous operation.

Steel sealing valves with 200 million switching cycles or cylinders with special wipers reduce your maintenance work and increase the plant availability. Ionizers to avoid electrostatic charges ensure a continuous production process.

Energy-efficient components

One of the cornerstones within energy efficiency is, indeed, the “Use efficiently designed components.”

Our R&D engineers have developed a range of solutions that offer the same performance, but involves a smart design that translates both into efficiency and lower bills.

Eksperti u Vašoj industriji

Svesni smo različitosti procesa u Vašoj industriji. Za njih, ispod dole, molim Vas pogledajte naše specifične odgovore.