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Vitajte v SMC !

Digitálny katalóg

Slider type, ball screw (24 VDC) - LE(K)FS, LE2FS, LEFSW, (25A/11-)LEFS, (11-)LEFG

Your everyday transfer solution for high loads

  • Transfer & position whatever the needs – Ball screw drive, the best for high loads and repeatable accurate positioning.
  • Speed and ease your start-up and restarting – Battery-less type with absolute encoder allows restart from the last position.
  • Boost your productivity – High-performance controller. Maximum speed of 1500 mm/s and maximum acceleration of 10000 mm/s².
  • Integrate seamlessly, operate effortlessly – Compatible with manifold controller, up to 16 axes. Automatic actuator detection.
  • Accommodate it in any location – Variety of models to suit clean rooms, secondary battery manufacturing environments or IP65 enclosure rating needs.

Základné technické informácie

  • Body size: 16, 25, 32, 40
  • Stroke: 50 to 1200 mm
  • Compatible encoders: battery-less absolute, incremental
  • Step or servo motor
  • Horizontal/Vertical work load: up to 80/40 kg.

Krok 1: Výber prevedenia

Výber požadovaného prevedenia prvku.

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Krok 2: Ľubovoľná konfigurácia

veľkosť telesa
špecifikácie motora
držiak snímača polohy
mazacia aplikácia
poloha centrovacieho kolíka          
dĺžka kábla pohonu
dĺžka ovládacieho kábla