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SMC solutions for vacuum

Time to get a grip on efficiency

Do you feel that you are not getting what you expected from your vacuum system? Maybe you don’t have the solution you deserve.

SMC’s expertise helps you to achieve the results you demand from your system. Our experts offer the optimal solution that fits perfectly with your needs. Years of knowledge with vacuum applications together with the wide range of SMC products are the perfect match to fill all your needs with vacuum.

SMC supports you throughout the vacuum system, from the filtration and regulation to the End of Arm Tooling (EOAT), trying to offer the most efficient and energy-saving solution possible, while giving high performance and reliability. As a complete supplier of automation, we offer unique solutions in the market: valve and ejector combined manifold, wireless system, cylinder with vacuum pad, air amplifier, etc.

There are many aspects to be aware of when designing a vacuum system, arguably, at the top of the list, are smart vacuum solutions thanks to the capabilities they bring. SMC offers smart manifolds that provide precise control and communication that allows you to implement a condition-monitoring and predictive maintenance strategy to fit your machines in the IIoT.

Learn more on vacuum technology through our Experts' views on the topic. Click here

Discover our vacuum solutions

Find out which products can help you improve your productivity and achieve outstanding efficiency with our specifically designed vacuum solutions

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See for yourself how it is 'Time to get a grip on efficiency' with SMC's vacuum solutions.



Discover our key solutions for vacuum


  • Pads

  • Ejectors

  • Filters

  • Switches

  • Regulators

  • Collaborative robots


Becoming fully acquainted with the workpiece should always be your starting point for any project involving a vacuum handling system. SMC offers a wide variety of vacuum pads to meet all your requirements.


Avoid the hassle of cables with your robot

With the world's first integrated Wireless valve system, any robotic application can benefit from both reduced installation time and costly production downtime. Easier and cost-effective with no industrial communication cables.


Take a look at our filters that prevent problems in vacuum equipment caused by contaminants in the air. With them, it is possible to achieve or exceed the declared service life of the components, which can save considerably on maintenance costs.


Do you need to know how your vacuum installation is working?
Sensor measuring needs are as vast as the solutions we have to cater to them.


Changing your robot’s tools has never been easier

When several tools have to be used in the same robot application, don't hesitate, take a look at our next product.

Collaborative robots

Achieve flexible & simple solutions by merging cobots and end effectors
Flexibility, easy integration and fast operation are 3 requirements that industry increasingly demands for automation, the same 3 features that collaborative robots – or cobots – achieve.

See for yourself how SMC says it's "Time to get a grip"

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Descoperiți soluțiile SMC care vă pot îmbunătăți considerabil aplicațiile

  • Advanced solutions

  • Energy efficiency

  • Smart communication

Advanced solutions

Do you have a challenge? We are up for it!
Specialised solutions with which SMC allows you to handle whatever you need.

Energy efficiency

We now want to share our solutions for energy efficiency with you that will help you to embrace good energy policies for your business in a very intuitive and simple way.

Smart communication

SMC works on smart communication in two ways: supporting our customers in specific solutions and offering state-of-the-art products, such as our unique Wireless Fieldbus System and our wide variety of IO-Link solutions, thereby providing your factory with smart digitalisation and automation.

Explore The SMC Expertise Hub


Patru modalități în care puteți eficientiza performanța sistemului dumneavoastră de vacuum

 Martina Höller, Manager de Produs Tehnologie Electrică CEE, SMC Austria

IUNIE 2022

Odată cu creșterea prețurilor la energie în Europa, eficiența energetică a devenit o prioritate pentru toate unitățile de producție și de procesare care utilizează sisteme de manipulare cu vacuum. Din fericire, pe baza experienței noastre, SMC vă poate indica patru modalități simple prin care puteți reduce consumul de energie al sistemului dumneavoastră de vacuum. Utilizarea unei cantități mai mici de energie pentru operațiile de ridicare/transfer, va contribui direct la profitabilitatea dumneavoastră, dar în același timp va susține și eforturile industriei de a ajunge la zero emisii de carbon.

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Îmbunătățiți productivitatea sistemului dumneavoastră de manipulare cu vacuum

   Irina Hermann, Manager de Produs, SMC Germania

IUNIE 2022

Este cunoscut faptul că cele mai importante aspecte ale oricărui sistem de vacuum sunt aplicația și configurația sistemului, care implică în mod obișnuit metoda de generare a vacuumului astfel că utilizarea ejectoarelor sau pompelor pentru generarea presiunii negative și transfera piesele de lucru este decisivă. Cu toate acestea, există multe alte componente importante ale sistemului care, dacă sunt ignorate, ar putea duce la performanțe slabe ale unității de manipulare vacuum.

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Don’t get sucked into poor vacuum system configuration

 By Tom Litster, Engineer, Air Equipment, SMC European Technical Centre

JUNE 2022
The performance of your vacuum handling system is typically only as good as its configuration for the specific application in hand. This of course makes direct reference to the workpiece you are looking to lift or transfer in terms of its weight and shape, for example, while further considerations include target cycle time and stroke travel. Upon establishing these factors it becomes possible to experiment with vacuum level, pad diameter and number of pads to deliver the optimal-performing vacuum handling system, one that is fast, reliable and energy-efficient.

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