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Energy efficiency

Energise your efficiency

Dans le monde exigeant d'aujourd'hui, où les besoins en énergie sont en constante augmentation, SMC comprend les défis auxquels nous sommes tous confrontés. Nous nous engageons à faire progresser votre entreprise vers un avenir durable. Grâce à nos produits et solutions d'efficacité énergétique, nous vous aidons à réduire vos coûts énergétiques et à avoir un impact positif.

Découvrez nos 5 piliers de l'efficacité énergétique qui vous permettront de faire des choix énergétiques intelligents pour votre entreprise.


See for yourself how SMC is supporting sustainability

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Are you keen on a technical approach to Energy efficiency?

Download our Expert Report and discover more in-depth why pressure is growing on all industrial businesses to meet European targets and adhere to legislation. Learn where you can find help and how to take advantage of new technology and initiatives to become more competitive.

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Accept the challenge


Who has never dreamed of being a pioneer in their industry while boosting energy efficiency and cost savings at the same time?
We encourage and support you in reducing your main line pressure.
You will be surprised that making the transition to 4 bar means savings all round.


Take a look to our 4-bar factory leaflet

Accept the challenge

Unlock energy savings: Learn more about SMC's 5 cornerstones to achieve energy efficient manufacturing processes.

  • Energy-efficiency-Generate.svg


  • Energy-efficiency-Recover.svg


  • Energy-efficiency-Monitor.svg


  • Energy-efficiency-Use.svg


  • Energy-efficiency-Think.svg




When you are about to manufacture your goods, do you make an indiscriminate use of the raw material? Or on the contrary, you carefully plan the exact amount that will be required for the final manufacture?

That special care we normally take with our raw materials is rarely applied to our energy.

Generating just what you need, is the first step to energy-efficient use. It is certainly not simple, as oversupply is not something you can spot easily. But, according to our experience, when measures are applied, the results stand out.

Discover some of our products that will help you to Generate just what you need:



Once you have to use it, why not re-use it?

Trying to recycle the energy required in a productive process has an exponential effect on the plant’s efficiency.

We’re convinced that this is the path to be followed by industrial systems. It’s up to you to actively take part of it.

Recover what you generate at energy generation processes, or during its usage.


Re-use the generated heat

In fact, by definition, energy transformation leads to heat generation. That heat can simply be reused for any other operation, such as warming water (thorough a heat exchanger) or heating up the plant (through hot air distribution).

Re-use the generated heat

Recover the released air

Have you ever considered recovering the air from your cylinders? Contact us and we will show you how this is already a reality with SMC.

See how SMC already offers actuators

Recover the released air



The data gathered must show your overall usage patterns, such as which of the machines in your factory are the heaviest consumers, or how your consumption fluctuates.

Adding switches or other monitoring systems to processes will drive greater awareness of energy consumption and give greater control on how and when it is used. The more details there are, the better the decisions will be.

It will also detect mismatches or unexpected waste, giving you the visibility to further improve performance.

Discover some of our products that will help you to Monitor your consumption:



Energy inefficiency in a plant is frequently the consequence of misuse bolstered by the popular belief that "compressed air is free."

Misuse or sensible use, what’s your situation?

Are your components sized correctly?

Is the air distribution system designed taking into account energy efficiency?

When acquiring a new component, do you consider the ones with an energy-efficient design?

Discover some of our products that will help you to Use only the essential:



For us, Energy Efficiency is within the Continuous Improvement philosophy.

To genuinely implement efficiency in our facilities, we should adopt a holistic approach to it, and try to see the energy-efficient potential in our day-to-day working activities and decisions.

Think of energising your efficiency.

In other words, Think efficient is what really helps us to come full circle. All the solutions explained in the sections Generate, Recover, Monitor & Use have not been thought out as a random and unconnected set of actions, but rather than as a continuum.


Energy efficiency related information

Gain awareness of the energy consumption of your pneumatic equipment, so you can optimise its air consumption and start reducing your energy-related costs


Explore The SMC Expertise Hub

SMC peut aider les OEM à développer des machines économes en énergie
Par Roy Schep, Responsable de l’efficacité énergétique, SMC Pays-Bas
Lire l'article 

Comment réaliser des économies d’énergie dans votre usine sans renoncer à la performance ?
Par Andy Still, Responsable des projets industriels, Énergie, Europe
Lire l'article 

Réduisez rapidement vos factures d'énergie
 Par Jeff Careless, Business Development Manager – Amélioration continue, SMC UK
Lire l'article 


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Energy efficiency

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