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Mit Lösungen für Sie

Packaging was initially designed to deliver goods from producer to consumer. Today, its functions extend far beyond mere containment, protection, and preservation.

With our advanced solutions, we’re reshaping machine system specifications for packaging applications across a range of industries, including pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, material handling, and cosmetics.

Adapting to New Requirements

To meet new demands for cost-efficient, lightweight and sustainable solutions, as suppliers, we’ve evolved alongside our customers’ needs. Despite these changes, our core commitment to the packaging industry remains steadfast.

Comprehensive Packaging Solutions

We offer a range of solutions to optimize your packaging process, whatever is the application: Thermo-forming, Filling, Sealing, Shrink Wrapping, Case Erecting and Case Packing, Conveying, Palletising…

Products & Materials compliant with your process

The packaging industry maintains uncompromising standards for hygiene, corrosion resistance, and clean processes. Food, beverage, and pharmaceutical manufacturers must meet these stringent requirements, including evolving FDA regulations, to prevent contamination. Our highlighted solutions will keep your products and processes hygienic 

High-speed & Long durability

In the packaging industry, productivity is essential, especially for high-speed systems handling thousands of units per hour. Unplanned downtime translates to significant losses, making Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) a critical metric. SMC’s high-speed, reliable solutions minimise downtime and maximise output.

At SMC, our experience allows us to tailor solutions to meet specific needs like speed, frequency, compactness, lightness, and reliability, ensuring businesses stay competitive and can adapt to current and future packaging demands.

Handling with environmentally resistant products

The availability of diverse gripping solutions such as vacuum grippers for collaborative robots enabling flexible handling, and air gripper units for collaborative robots enabling precise manipulation, allows for adaptation so that the unique handling needs of each step in the packaging process can be met in a tailor-made way. Furthermore, the centring unit contributes to space and energy savings by efficiently aligning and positioning heavy workpieces on conveyor lines. This comprehensive range of technologies ensures optimal handling performance across a variety of applications.

Digitalisation with Smart Flexibility

Smart factories require flexible, adaptable production systems for customised products. The packaging industry needs machines that can handle diverse formats. SMC offers solutions like electric actuators for rapid format changes, high-speed networking for real-time control, wireless connectivity for flexible layouts, and IO-Link for minimised setup times. These technologies enhance productivity, reduce costs, and improve packaging system reliability.

Temperature control

Heat-generating processes in packaging, particularly thermo-forming and shrink wrapping, require precise temperature control to ensure product quality and machine reliability. Improper temperature management can lead to ruined products, shortened component lifespans, and overall process instability. SMC thermo-chillers offer a solution by providing proactive control, superior temperature stability, and global support. Using an SMC thermo-chiller improves product quality, extends machine life, enhances overall performance, and provides peace of mind.

Static electricity removal

Static electricity causes label misalignment and other production problems including product rejection, downtime, and safety hazards.  SMC’s ionizers  offer a quick, easy, and efficient solution. Simply plug in the right ioniser to eliminate static, improve product quality, increase production speed, create a safer work environment, and ensure your labels (including Clean Label 2.0 designs) are applied correctly. SMC offers a wide range of ionisers and expert support for various packaging applications.

From start to finish, we’re with you every step of the way. Our global support network and local packaging experts are available to discuss your application. 

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Die SMC Expertise Hubs

Joerg Dahlhoff, Strategic Market Manager, SMC Deutschland

"Die meisten Fabriken arbeiten rund um die Uhr und ihre Produktionsstätten sind in einem kontinuirlichen Fluss angeordnet. Von der Integration des Primärmaterials über die Verarbeitung bis hin zur Verpackung, führt jeder Komponentenausfall zu einem Produktionsstopp. Dies kostet die Fabrik Zeit und Geld.
Die OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) kann durch den Einsatz digitaler, vorausschauender Wartungslösungen, die Schulung der Bediener und die Maximierung der Produktzuverlässigkeit erheblich verbessert werden."

Joerg Dahlhoff, Strategic Market Manager, SMC Deutschland

Haben Sie Fragen zu Verpackungen?

Fragen Sie unsere Experten!

Automatisierungsspezialisten vor Ort für die Herausforderungen der Lebensmittelindustrie
Von Diego Mirabelli, Industry Manager Food, Europa

Nachhaltig Verpacken: Eine technische Herausforderung
Von Jorge Salgado, Food & Packaging Industry Manager, SMC Spanien