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Den nye HF2A-LEY er designet til at imødekomme kravene i fødevare og farmaindustrien og passer perfekt ind i maskiner, der regelmæssigt udsættes for desinfektion og rengøring. Cylinderen er designet i rustfrit stål med IP69K kapsling, samt materialer i overensstemmelse med FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) og fødevaregodkendt fedt i henhold til NSF H1. Cylinderen er udstyret med en 230VAC-servomotor og giver præcis positionering i applikationer indenfor fødevarer og farma applikationer.
SMC has been ranked among the “World's Best Employers 2024” by Forbes, a leading U.S. business magazine.
In a move set to help shape the future of Industry 4.0, SMC is launching Smart Assets, a progressive project which will make the asset management requirements of both machine builders and end users fit for the digital age. With collaboration from leading academic and industrial partners, Smart Assets will ultimately lead to the automatic generation of dynamic and data-rich digital representations of all 700,000+ SMC products, helping companies to boost efficiency, interoperability and sustainability. The project will run until 2026.
SMC, a global company operating in more than 80 countries, is taking a significant step to harmonize its international communication by standardizing email addresses worldwide.
SMC Danmark deltager til Foodtech messen i Herning til efteråret. Vi vil gerne invitere dig til at besøge os på stand 7384 i hal J3. Kom og se vores nyeste teknologier og løsninger til din fødevareindustri.
In July 2024, global automation product specialist SMC became a member of the Industrial Digital Twin Association (IDTA). Joining such a powerful community will reap great advantages for the ongoing digital future of the company and its customers. In particular, IDTA membership will ensure SMC always remains abreast of the latest digital twin advances, while simultaneously allowing the company to help shape digital-twin developments in support of Industry 4.0 success.
We hereby would like to announce a remembrance event for our esteemed Honorary Chairman, Yoshiyuki Takada, who passed away on Saturday, April 20, 2024 (JST), at the age of 97.
SMC præsenterer ny kondensationssensor PSH-serien, som overvåger temperatur og fugtighed i pneumatiske systemer. Dette hjælper med at forhindre kondens, der kan føre til fejl og dyre reparationer. Dette produkt er designet til designingeniører, kvalitetsinspektører og vedligeholdelsesteknikere, da den sikrer høj kvalitet af trykluft i applikationer som værktøjsmaskiner, lasermaskiner og fødevareemballageudstyr.
SMC Corporation is pleased to announce the appointment of Bianca Brunell as the new General Manager for SMC’s Nordic and Baltic countries, effective June 1, 2024. Bianca Brunell brings 27 years of experience in the technology industry, having previously served as Head of Supply Chain at SMC Nordic & Baltic Countries. Her leadership and expertise in the field will be instrumental in driving the region’s continued success and innovation.
It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of our esteemed Honorary Chairman, Yoshiyuki Takada. Mr. Takada passed away peacefully on Saturday, April 20, 2024, at the hour of 4:00am, while under medical care.