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Bryggeprocessen er ret kompleks, det kræver mere end blot bryggeteknikker at producere en god øl. Brancheerfaring og indgående kendskab til strukturer og processer i et bryggeri er lige så vigtigt.
SMC er opmærksom på kravene fra denne industri, og derfor kan du regne med vores team af uddannede eksperter. Vi kan hjælpe dig med løsninger og fordele for alle dele af brygge- og pakkeprocessen, såsom at øge oppetiden med produkter, der passer til formålet, optimere energiforbruget, reducere CO2-udledningen og reducere dine driftsomkostninger.
With an appropriate monitoring solution, all the variables such as fluid and air pressure and flow rate, tank temperature control, valve positioning and leaks can be under control at any time, making it possible to detect any anomaly beforehand and fix the problems prior to any failure.
It is essential to monitor the fluid pressure and flow. This way, it’s possible to avoid pressure drops from the air filter, as well as controlling changes due to leaks or a process out of limits. The control of these parameters has a direct impact on the final quality of the product and overall machine efficiency.
To guarantee the product meets the appropriate food safety standards, process parameters such as fluid flow, pressure and temperature must be under control. Process limits, leaks, and changes at critical points of the process must be targeted and monitored with suitable equipment.
For consistent labelling, it is necessary to consider air pressure and flow, as well as the maintenance of any ioniser nozzles. If we have these parameters under control, we can monitor for labelling problems at an early stage before any errors occur.
By monitoring air pressure and flow to avoid restriction and leaks, or checking the nozzles of the static ionizer, you can continue without unplanned stoppages and increase uptime
With the correct monitoring of the parameters, we can detect errors such as loss of vacuum due to pad wear and blocked filters, pressure drops derived from filter air starvation, variations in air consumption due to leaks, and actuator position errors.
"Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE) og Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) er afgørende omkostningsbesparende metoder for bryggeriindustrien. SMC tilbyder specifikke IO-Link-kompatible komponenter og tjenester, som er tilpasset Industri 4.0 for at understøtte vores kunders mål”.
Process & brewing
Filling & rinsing
Coding & labelling
Conveying & packaging
Case packing & palletizing
JSY5000-H Series
Ask our experts
EX600 Series
DLR and MRP supported
HRS040-X164 Series
Compact thermo-chiller supporting set temperatures as low as -10 °C
IP8000/8100 Series
Lever and rotary type
ISE7#/ISE7#G Series
Applicable fluids: General fluids and air
PF3W Series
Applicable fluid: Water, ethylene glycol aqueous solution, deionized water and diverse chemical liquids
LFE Series
Applicable fluid: water, water-soluble coolant
VFN2120N-X23/36 Series
Hygienic design type: resin body with less concaves. Direct cleaning of valve is possible (IP67)
ITV Series
Dynamic control of air pressure by electrical signal
PA5000 Series
Discharge rate up to 63 l/min
KQG2 Series
316 Stainless steel
TD, TLM, TH/L Series
Fluoropolymer tubing
JSY3000-S Series
Water ingress protection and corrosion resistance
SY3000/5000/7000 Series
Compact design with high flow
CG5-X2977 Series
Clean design. Durable. Resistant
VXB Series
Low pressure loss due to angle seat structure
Applicable fluid: Water, ethylene glycol aqueous solution, deionized water and diverse Chemical liquids
PF3A*H Series
100:1 Flow ratio with almost zero pressure loss
VEX-X115 Series
AC-D Series
Air purity classes certified against ISO8573-1:2010
KQB2 Series
Bore sizes (mm): 20 ~ 100
PF3A7*H Series
Applicable fluid: Air, N2
IZF21/31 Series
Slim design
IZT40/41/42 Series
IZT40: Basic type / IZT41: AC type / IZT42: Dual AC type
ZHV Series
Specially designed to reduce air consumption
Many variations of nozzle are available
Many variations of pressure switches are available
TPS Series
Applicable tubing O.D.: Ø 4 to Ø 12 mm
Suitable for pushing, stopping or transferring with an extra support
Modular, compact and lightweight
ALDS Series
Export a detailed report with exact leak value and location
Modulate the air entry
ISE7#/ISE7#G/ISE79S Series
VP546/746 Series
Safety standards ISO13849-1 for category 2, category 3 and category 4
HRS Series
Great temperature stability
D-MP Series
Measuring range: 25mm, 50mm, 100mm and 200mm
EX600-W Series
Decentralised & wireless serial transmission system for input/output
JSY Series
Extremely compact and lightweight valve
ZK2-A Series
Low noise and high efficiency options
ZHP Series
Space saving and reduced piping labour
LEHS Series
Soft handling of non-parallel surfaces
EX245 Series
AIDA specifications compliant
JAS-S Series
Possible to adjust flow rate even in a narrow space
JSY & ZK2*A Series
All-in-one control for positive and vacuum pressure