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Enjoy IO-Link advantages with SMC
Download the IO-Link leaflet and learn more about our IO-Link solutions
Hot on the heels of Lean Manufacturing, the focus has once again changed.
With the goal to improve manufacturing performance, using more automated operations and the use of data analytics, smart manufacturing is the order of the day. This technology-driven approach, using machinery connected to the internet to monitor the production process, has seen the development of smart machine components.
SMC's IO-Link products can help you improve your productivity and reduce your costs, granting dynamic production processes and leading to the Smart Flexibility the industry is seeking. Plus, they will let you bet on the continuous improvement of your company’s industrial maintenance strategy.
For more information on our smart machine solutions check out our latest products on our website today.
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IO-Link (IEC61131-9) is an open standard technology that allows the bidirectional data exchange from sensors and devices that support IO-Link and are connected to a master.Thanks to an IO-Link master, data is transmitted over various networks, fieldbuses, or backplane buses, making the data accessible for immediate action or long-term analysis via an industrial information system (PLC, HMI, etc.).
IO-Link gør det nemt at skifte til smarte sensorer Af Mile Milovanovic, Senior Engineer, SMC's Tekniske Center i Tyskland Læs mere
Adopting IO-Link, the easy way By Bruno Salami, Product Manager Electrical Axis & Fieldbus, SMC France Read more
Få fornuft ud af sensorer Af Danilo Giordana, Energy Efficiency Project Manager, SMC Italien Læs mere
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