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High-Precision Digital Pressure Switch
New ISE70/71 Series is one of the top switches within our portfolio of sensor solutions. It does not only convey all the advantages related to IO-Link, but also has those of our new switch generation. The 3-colour screen is capable of providing 2 levels of information at the same time.
ISE70/71 design encompasses our effort to provide more for our customers; in this case more and clearer information to ease checking, facilitate maintenance and assist in ensuring the correct functioning of a given line or application.
The current model is for air, but an upgraded version, ISE7#G Series, for general fluids, will be on the market in the next months; you can check the upcoming product in our coming soon webpage.
Visit our online product catalogue to obtain all you need for building your solution: stock availability, 3D model, CAD file, operation manual, data sheet and much more
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