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Dobrodošli v SMC

SMC rešitve za industrijo pijač

Vedno pripravljeni ponuditi inovativne rešitve

Zavedamo se, da je proizvodnja polnilnic kompleksna in je hitro spreminjajoči se proces. Zato potrebujete zanesljive partnerje, da zagotovite enakomeren proces proizvodnje, vključno z:

  • skladiščenje, predelava in mešanje,
  • depaletizacija in paletiranje,
  • PET blowing,
  • izpiranje in polnjenje,
  • zapiranje in označevanje,
  • pakiranje in transport.

Nudimo celovite rešitve za reševanje vaših ključnih izzivov, kot so:

  • visokofrekvenčni procesi,
  • krajši časi menjave,
  • korozivna topila in pranje,
  • higienski in aseptični postopki,
  • energetska in okoljska učinkovitost,
  • spremljanje na podlagi stanja,
  • izboljšava procesa.

" SMC prinaša bogatstvo znanja o avtomatizaciji in procesih, pridobljeno v celotni industriji pijač, tako pri končnih uporabnikih kot pri strojegraditeljih. S strokovnim znanjem naše ekipe, pomagamo našim strankam doseči večjo produktivnost in nižje skupne stroške, od novih naložb do polne življenjske dobe strojev ”.

Mike Brown | European Industry Manager

Informacije povezane z industrijo pijač

Storage, process and mixing

With an appropriate monitoring solution, all the variables such as fluid and air pressure and flow rate, tank temperature control, valve positioning and leaks can be under control at any time, making it possible to detect any anomaly beforehand and fix the problems prior to any failure.

Storage, process and mixing

Highlighted Products


It is essential to monitor the fluid pressure and flow. This way, it’s possible to avoid pressure drops from the air filter, as well as controlling changes due to leaks or a process out of limits. The control of these parameters has a direct impact on the final quality of the product and overall machine efficiency.


Highlighted Products


To guarantee the product meets the appropriate food safety standards, process parameters such as fluid flow, pressure and temperature must be under control. Process limits, leaks, and changes at critical points of the process must be targeted and monitored with suitable equipment.


Highlighted Products


For consistent labelling, it is necessary to consider air pressure and flow, as well as the maintenance of any ioniser nozzles. If we have these parameters under control, we can monitor for labelling problems at an early stage before any errors occur.


Highlighted Products

Case packing and conveying

By monitoring air pressure and flow to avoid restriction and leaks, or checking the nozzles of the static ionizer, you can continue without unplanned stoppages and increase uptime

Case packing and conveying

Highlighted Products

De-palletising and palletising

With the correct monitoring of the parameters, we can detect errors such as loss of vacuum due to pad wear and blocked filters, pressure drops derived from filter air starvation, variations in air consumption due to leaks, and actuator position errors.

De-palletising and palletising

Highlighted Products

Odkrijte našo paleto izdelkov za potrebe industrije pijač

Skladiščenje, predelava in mešanje

Depaletizacija in paletiranje

PET blowing

Izpiranje in polnjenje

Zapiranje in označevanje

Pakiranje in transport