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Priprava zraka
Za inženirje je komprimiran zrak tako pomemben vir, da ga pogosto omenjajo kot četrto najpomembnejšo stvar v industriji - za elektriko, vodo in plinom. Študije ocenjujejo, da se deset odstotkov vse energije v industriji porabi samo za stiskanje zraka.
Če sledite naslednjim korakom, ste lahko prepričani, da boste načrtovali in izdelali sistem za čiščenje zraka, ki natančno ustreza potrebam dane naloge.
Če pa ste pripravljeni oblikovati najprimernejši sistem za obdelavo zraka za vaš proces, je naš vodnik za pripravo zraka najboljše orodje za vas.
“ Ne glede na to, ali uporabljate stisnjen zrak za standardne aplikacije ali kot procesni medij, mora biti vedno prilagojen namenu. Tako je mogoče doseči in preseči deklarirano življensko dobo pnevmatskih komponent. To posledično povzroči znatne prihranke pri stroških vzdrževanja, neposredno in posredno zmanjšanje ogljičnega odtisa podjetja. ”
Kombinirane rešitve
Ločevanje in filtriranje
Odstranjevanje oljnih delcev
By Mark Brinsley, Sales Engineering Group; Air and Fluid Equipment, SMC UK
OCTOBER 2021 Even though almost all factories have air preparation systems to protect their pneumatic equipment, the subject is still not so well known, and it hides some interesting aspects and optimization. One of the key questions is how prepared should my compressed air be? There is not one simple answer to this question, because compressed air quality depends on a myriad of variables, such as the air quality coming in (from the compressor), the air quality requirements in the end-of-line applications, the process or industry requirements or even the position of the filtration units. With all these uncertainties, SMC, an Expert in air treatment, will be able to support you.
Preberite več
By Sean Mackenzie, Engineer, Air Equipment, SMC European Technical Centre
OCTOBER 2021 SMC was established in 1959 to manufacture and sell Sintered Metal Filter Elements. The FRL unit was first launched by SMC in 1961. 60 years of design evolution based on our customers’ requirements.
By Axel Delsaux, Product Marketing, SMC France
OCTOBER 2021 Dew point can be an overwhelming term, but put simply, it is the temperature at which water becomes visible. The water droplets that you can see in your cold drink derive from the dew point.
By Andy Still, Industry Projects Manager, Energy, Europe
APRIL 2021 The subject is more than serious. Pneumatic equipment accounts for about 20% of all factory power consumption and there is a proven way to improve energy efficiency: reduce the operating pressure. SMC explains how companies can achieve this objective and thus fall in line with manufacturing’s most important current trend.