<ul><LI><FONT color=#ff0000>This product is being discontinued and will be replaced by </FONT><A href="http://www.smc.eu/portal/WebContent/digital_catalog_2/jsp/get_next_page_action.jsp?dc_product_id=138877">ZSE20</A><FONT color=#ff0000> series. Update details <a href="https://www.smc.eu/en-eu/new-products/enhanced-products/zse40a~43343~enhanced-products" class="dc_link">here</a>.</FONT></LI><li>Copy function available.</li><li>More output options than in previous ZSE/ISE40 Series.</li><li>Possible to check set-value during key locking.</li><li>Pin code function available.</li><li>Space savings.</li><li>3-step setting.</li><li>4-digit display.</li><li>Replaceable one-touch fittings.</li><li>Additional functions.</li></ul>
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