<ul><LI><FONT color=#ff0000>This product is being discontinued and will be replaced by </FONT><A href="https://www.smc.eu/en-eu/products/~173870~cfg">ZHV</a><FONT color=#ff0000> series. Update details <a href="https://www.smc.eu/en-eu/new-products/enhanced-products/zh-x185~72824~enhanced-products" class="dc_link">here</a>.</FONT></LI><li>Diameters: ø13, ø21.6, ø30 and ø42</li><li>Air consumption saving (70% for air blows).</li><li>Maintenance free.</li><li>High performance reliability.</li><li>Simple & easy to operate.</li><li>Quiet operation.</li><li>Safe blowing system.</li></ul>
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