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Pnevmatska prijemala
Končna učinkovala, predvsem v obliki prijemal, omogočajo rokovanje in manipulacijo z deli najrazličnejših oblik, velikosti in materialov.
Da bi zagotovili izbiro popolne rešitve za vašo aplikacijo, SMC ponuja širok portfelj izdelkov, prilagojenih potrebam posamezne operacije. Ne glede na to, ali vzamete običajen obdelovanec, okrogel kos, feromagnetno ploščo nepravilne oblike, drobne komponente za sestav ali škatle polne izdelkov, je vedno na voljo pnevmatsko prijemalo, ki opravi to nalogo.
Če želite najti ustrezen izdelek za vaše potrebe, morate upoštevati nekaj osnovnih parametrov, kot so potrebna sila prijemanja, oblika in velikost obdelovancev, delovno okolje in ponovljivost.
Raziščite naša pnevmatska prijemala, da izberete svojo popolno rešitev in izpolnite zahteve vaše industrije.
By Marcus Mazetti, Global Account Manager, SMC Sweden
MARCH 2022 Once the preserve of high-volume operations at automotive plants, we’re today finding that robots are infiltrating all sectors of the commercial world. Even beyond traditional manufacturing, inspection and packaging operations, we see robots fulfilling tasks that extend from mining and space exploration, through to surgery and laboratory research, and even fruit picking. With such a vast repertoire of applications, the robots of today need one principal attribute: flexibility. Much of this flexibility comes courtesy of the end-of-arm tooling (gripper), which means there are many factors to bear in mind when selecting a gripper technology supplier, not least breadth of portfolio, proven customisation capabilities and high levels of customer support.
Preberite več
By Andrea Trifone, Cobot project leader, SMC Italy
JANUARY 2021 While robotics led the way for the rapid growth of automation, we see cobots as the democratisation of robotics technology. They eliminate the cost and complex programming that robots usually require while providing much greater flexibility.