Izbira izdelka

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Dobrodošli v SMC

Katalog izdelkov

Standard Cylinder ISO 6432 - C85

ISO means Service with SMC

  • Get the qualified assistance you need – Personalised and prompt advice from our experts
  • Put it to work the soonest – Produced & Stocked in Europe
  • Let the cylinder adapt to your application – Up to 30 rod end modifications available.

In še veliko več

  • Conforms to ISO 6432 and CETOP RP52P
  • Bore sizes (mm): 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 25
  • Standard strokes up to 300 mm
  • Auto switch capable.

Korak 1: Izbira izdelka

Najprej izberite zahtevane lastnoti izdelka.

Ponastavite filtre, če želite spremeniti svoj izbor

Korak 2: Konfiguracija

Bore Size
Mounting Bracket
Auto Switch Mounting Type
Auto Switch
Lead Wire or Prewired Connector