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Do you want to get rid of cables?
If you wish to save costs, installation time and maintenance tasks, download the expert report and learn more about our industrial wireless system.
Ali morda samo želite izkoristiti prednost brezžičnih sistemov? EX600-W je prava rešitev za vas. Decentraliziran brezžični sistem, kompatibilen z industrijsko komunikacijo EtherNet/IP, ki omogoča povezovanje več oddaljenih enot z bazno enoto, brez povezovanja z električnimi vodniki.
Čeprav so primerni za vse industrijske sektorje, je večina dosedanjih aplikacij namenjena robotom in perifernim napravam za robote. Razdelilniki v sistemih, kot so roboti in vrtljive mize, izpostavljajo komunikacijske kable ekstremnim zasukom, zaradi česar se sčasoma utrudijo in zlomijo. Z edinstvenim SMC brezžičnim sistemom lahko v bistvu odpravimo vse kable, ki prenašajo električne krmilne signale.
EXW1/EX600-W Series
Compact and modular wireless fieldbus systems
AMS20/30/40/60 Series
Airline standby and isolation functions and monitoring of pressure, flow and temperature
What does the term “wireless” refer to?
Wireless is the transfer of information between two or more points that are not connected by an electrical conductor. In wireless systems, the transmission medium used is the air through electromagnetic radio signals. There are different wireless signals depending on the range of frequencies they occupy. Some wireless networks currently being used: - Wi-Fi: 2.4 GHz, 5.8 GHz - Bluetooth: 2.4 GHz - Wibree: 2.4 GHz.
Is wireless being used in factory automation?
The use of wireless communication in instrumentation and the control level of the automation system is considerably reduced when compared to other scopes. There is, however, a clear trend and interest to apply wireless solutions in automation systems as it provides several benefits: - Savings related to the cost of cables - Easier communication configuration - Positioning the sensors in positions that cannot be reached with wired units - The growth of information and reliability on redundancy as more sensors can be installed.
Is the communication response as reduced as far as 2 ms?
Theoretically, the signal response time could be as low as 2 ms. However, although the system can communicate every 2 ms, it cannot send information every 2 ms. The real communication response will vary depending on the number of remotes connected to one base and the effect of the frequency hopping, as such the system is suitable for an application where the response time is not critical. In short, what it is really important for customers is the reaction time, a time that depends on the number of connected devices and other factors.
What is frequency hopping or FHSS?
FHSS refers to Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum, and is a communication technology that consists of rapidly changing the frequency used for transmission to another frequency, so as to prevent interferences from other wireless equipment. When the frequency that is being used is also being used by for example WiFi, or any other radio wave signal, the frequency hops or switches to another frequency. In this case, the frequency is hopping every 2 ms. Given that the frequency is changing continuously, this communication method is resistant to radio wave interferences due to reflections or noise from other wireless equipment, while ensuring a high level of data security. With this method, a multiple wireless system can be installed in the same area, and it is a suitable technology for point-to-multipoint communication.
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