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Viacstupňový ejektor - séria ZL

A light efficient push to your suction

  • Perform the suction with a very light solution – The ideal solution for robots´ moving parts
  • Introduce efficiency in your vacuum applications – High suction flow with 3 stage diffuser construction
  • Smartly automate your monitoring process – IO-Link for online parameterization and extraction of numeric data.
  • Minimise your air consumption – Energy saving function is available

Základné technické informácie

  • Energy-saving, large flow rate, 3-stage diffuser construction ejector
  • Energy saving function selectable, with reduction of up to 90%
  • Suction flow rate up to 600 l/min, increased by 250% compared to one-stage ejectors
  • Supply valve/release valve combinations
  • All-in-one design with integrated components to make it compact and lightweight.

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