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Vitajte v SMC !

Digitálny katalóg

Séria 5000

Space efficient. Friendly with productivity

  • Save space – The thinnest valve in the world: 6.4 mm that will provide you a great flow of 244 l/min
  • Increase your productivity – Reduce cycle times considerably
  • Endorse Energy Efficiency and keep cool – Power saver provides a minim 0.1W and prevents from heating up 
  • Adapt to your specific needs – Flexible piping and any electrical connection with plug-in. Bottom or side ported with non-plug-in.

Základné technické informácie

  • Extremely compact and lightweight valve
  • High flow rates between 173-1551 l/min
  • Power consumption: 0.1-0.2 W (low wattage type); 0.4 W (standard)
  • Easy mounting and fast replacement
  • Up to IP67 enclosure
  • Plug-in & Non Plug-in types.

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