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MGPW (ø40 až ø63), Kompaktný valec, klzné/ valivé/ presné valivé vedenie

  • A wide guided cylinder specialised in the stability and moment of large work pieces.
  • Plate allowable rotation torque tripled (in comparison with the basic type) by doubling the guide pitch.
  • Non-rotating accuracy of the plate is improved (with respect to the basic type) due to the increase in the guide pitch.
  • Equivalent weight to the basic type, even though the volume is 170% more than the basic MGP.
  • 3 types of bearing can be selected: slide bearing, ball bushing and high precision ball bushing.

Nakonfigurujte si produkt

typ ložiska
priemer piestu
typ pripojovacieho závitu
snímač polohy
dĺžka kábla
počet snímačov polohy