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Digitálny katalóg

Jednotka sériového prenosu dát - séria EX245

Tailored to the automotive industry

  • Stay safely connected in your automotive environment – PROFIsafe & PROFINET compatible. AIDA compliant
  • Guarantee data flow anytime – MRP/MRPD function and possibility to duplicate routes with a ring topology
  • Obtain greater flexibility – Availability of digital input/output units together with IO– Link communication and access to devices from the PC with built in web server function
  • Ensure endurance against noise and overall deterioration – Fibre-optic cable and connectors and preventive maintenance alarm

Základné technické informácie

  • Push Pull, M12 connectors
  • Max. 32 valves
  • Max. 128 inputs; Max. 64 outputs.

  • The product EX245-SPN1 is being discontinued.

Krok 1: Výber prevedenia

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Krok 2: Ľubovoľná konfigurácia

vstup / výstup