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Fieldbus System

Industrial Wireless System

Is having lots of cables causing you hassle? Do you experience many setbacks due to cable breakages and disconnections in your facilities?

In this case, the SMC’s fieldbus system EXW1/EX600-W is the solution for you.

EXW1/EX600-W is a decentralised industrial wireless fieldbus system which allows several remote units to be connected to a base unit without having to use communication cables.

Although it’s suitable for all industrial sectors, most of the applications to date have been for robots and robot peripherals. The power packs found in systems such as robots subject the communication cables in them to extreme twists and turns, eventually causing them to fatigue and break. With SMC’s unique wireless control systems for industrial applications, we can basically eliminate any cables carrying electrical control signals.


The benefits of SMC's Wireless Fieldbus System for you:

SMC's wireless fieldbus control system is compact, modular and easy to install. It can save you time, money and trouble by reducing the amount of cabling and downtime required for your machines. It also offers secure, reliable and noise-free communication using frequency hopping and data encryption in the 2.4 GHz ISM band.

Our wireless fieldbus system is versatile and can be adapted to any application. It is especially suitable for tool changes in robot arms and rotary or indexing tables, where cabling can be cumbersome and limiting. It also allows you to modify your machine layout easily and quickly connect and start up your devices.

With SMC's wireless fieldbus control system, you can enjoy the benefits of wireless technology without compromising on performance or quality. Contact us today to find out more about how we can help you improve your productivity and efficiency with our innovative solution.


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EX600-W related information

Did you know just how present industrial wireless systems are in modern production?

Download SMC’s Expert Report and discover just how present wireless control systems for industrial applications are on a daily basis, a revolutionary breakthrough in the industry. It’s a modern solution that reduces maintenance, making you forget all the problems caused by communication cables. Learn how a wireless fieldbus system helps to improve OEE and all the opportunities this brings.

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 Juanjo Jubete, Specialist în produse pentru unități wireless, SMC Spania

V-ați dorit vreodată un sistem de comunicații wireless pentru tehnologia robotică? V-ați săturat de cabluri, deteriorări si deconectări? Doriți costuri mai mici de instalare și întreținere? Tehnologia robotica wireless este acum o realitate. Aceasta există de ceva timp, oferind o comunicație complet fiabilă, rezistentă la zgomot, fiind utilizată de un număr tot mai mare de producători care au adoptat unitatea SMC complet wireless. Juanjo Jubete, specialist în produse pentru unități wireless, SMC Spania dorește să ajute pe oricine care încă ezită să adopte această tehnologie de comunicații fără fir, abordând o serie de preocupări comune în acest scurt articol cu întrebări și răspunsuri.

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Comunicații industriale - Vă înlăturăm orice dubiu în privința tehnologie wireless

  Alejandro Molinero, Product Manager, SMC Spain

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