Digital Flow Switch for Water - PF3W, with temperature sensor, flow adjustment valve & IO-Link assists in anticipating any complication in your line. 3-colour/2-screen display
Position sensors are also important for predictive maintenance project as it will detect failure of the main critical device: the actuators. For example, position sensors can provide information about a reduction in actuator speed. Matching this speed data with flow data, it is possible to provide a quick evaluation if a given actuator needs to be replaced.
Through analysis of the data provided by sensors, machine users are able to define the machine’s ‘zero point’, namely the standard performance benchmark. From here, it becomes simple to deliver two important outcomes: understanding if something is deviating from the typical curve (and thus predicting oncoming faults as part of a targeted maintenance strategy); and identifying potential process improvements.
With the right sensors, manufacturing and process plants can take advantage of both historic and real-time data, with the latter essential to prevent ‘the unpredictable’ before it gets out of hand. After all, a minor fault often leads to a bigger and more expensive one.
SMC offers a wide portfolio of sensors, covering all customer requirements from simple on/off signal solutions to those that support IO-Link. All of the company’s sensors are simple to install and use, allowing customers to set their own parameters in accordance with the key metrics of the machine or application. If there is any doubt, SMC’s team of experts is always ready to provide advice and support.