Strength lies in diversity and in respect for that diversity
The fact that we operate in 83 countries gives us the opportunity to enjoy great diversity among our people, our team members. Local communities where we operate present a rich diversity and our team members represent that.
At SMC we also observe and respect the gender equality. Encouraging, for example, activities such as the celebration of the International Women on Engineering Day in the UK.
Supporting education
The growth of individuals, both from a professional and personal perspective, is a key asset for us in order to position ourselves as a worthy partner.
We encourage and facilitate the development of our team members by holding group training seminars periodically during which lecturers from outside the Company are also invited.
The educational resources include not only knowledge and skills on products, industries and topics, but also refresher courses on SMCʼs philosophy and Code of Conduct, and courses designed to strengthen overall capabilities and motivation.
Encouraging better health
SMC encourages various optional employee activities, such as sports, cultural and artistic pursuits in order to promote our team member’s wellbeing and foster solidarity in the workplace.
Across Europe, SMC participates in marathons (yearly participation of our colleagues from SMC Italy and Switzerland in the Markus Ryffel's Marathon), half marathons, local business runs or the fun Dragon Boat Festival (Milton Keynes, UK).
Ensuring workplace safety
In order to ensure SMC team members have a safe and healthy environment whenever they are at work, SMC counts with health and safety committees. These groups fully acknowledge related laws, regulations, and internal company rules and lead activities aimed at preventing workplace accidents and outbreaks of disease.
At each business site, the health and safety committee discusses and implements health and safety measures based on collected mishap/accident reports, instruction on safety provided to employees, and worksite inspections performed by an industrial doctor and the organisation’s chief manager. Also, each committee cooperates with committees from other business sites to develop the system laterally.