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Vacuum Manifold for Fieldbus System - ZKJ

Control your vacuum remotely & efficiently

  • Communicate remotely – Control and monitor up to 16 ejectors via PROFINET, EtherNet/IP™, EtherCAT & IO-Link
  • Simplify your machine design ‒ Complete solution for control valves and vacuum ejectors integrated into a single manifold
  • Down your energy and production costs – Energy-saving function, M12 connector and easy filter maintenance
  • Assure protection – IP65 protection enclosure for medium/harsh environments

I još puno više

  • Nozzle size: Ø 0.7, Ø 1.0, Ø 1.2, Ø 1.5
  • Suction flow rate up to 74 l/min with a vacuum pressure of -89 kPa
  • Max. valve flow rate: 415 l/min
  • Exhaust sealing function for the quick release of workpieces
  • Exhaust specifications: port exhaust, high-noise reduction silencer
  • Easy to replace the filter element.

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Korak 2: Konfiguracija

Manifold Stations
SI Unit Specs
U-side End Plate and Supply (P) Port