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The all-in-one silent energy saving solution

  • Achieve efficiency – Ejector, pump and manifold system in a single unit
  • Lower your air consumption – Energy saving digital vacuum switch and a 2-stage ejector
  • Get compactness and lightness – Ideal solution for moving tools
  • Communicate remotely – Control and monitor up to 16 outputs via a wide variety of serial interface communication protocols and IO-Link.

I još puno više

  • Advanced vacuum unit (ejector/pump/manifold systems) with low noise and high efficiency options.
  • Energy saving digital vacuum switch: Intermittent energizing (supply/exhaust) only when vacuum decreases.
  • More efficient 2-stage ejector: Air consumption 30 % reduced.
  • Dual 2 port valve (release valve/supply valve): Can hold vacuum even when the power goes out or is turned off. Prevents the sudden dropping of workpieces.
  • All-in-one design with integrated components to make it compact and lightweight.
  • Control and monitor up to 32 outputs via a wide variety of serial interface communication protocols:
    • EX260 Compatible protocols: IO-Link, DeviceNet, PROFIBUS DP, CC-Link, EtherNet/IP™, EtherCAT ®, PROFINET, Ethernet POWERLINK
    • EX500 Compatible protocols: Getaway decentralised system
    • EX600 Compatible protocols: DeviceNet, PROFIBUS DP, CC-Link, EtherNet/IP™, EtherCAT ®, PROFINET, wireless, compatible wireless base.
  • Air operated.

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Korak 2: Konfiguracija

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Tražite brzo dostupne proizvode na skladištu? Pokaži standardne proizvode na stanju

Body Type
Nominal Nozzle Size
Supply Valve / Release Valve
Pressure Sensor/Digital Pressure Switch for Vacuum Spec.
Supply Valve/Release Valve/Digital Pressure Switch for Vacuum Connector Spec.
Vacuum (V) Port
Screwdriver Operation Type Long Lock Nut
Vacuum Break Flow Adjustment
Manifold Individual Supply
Manifold Common Release Pressure Supply
Exhaust Interference Prevention Valve