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Online Help

Direct entry

Use the direct entry in the basket:

  • known article designations
  • special products (simple specials / specials)
  • article descriptions for products which are not configurable on the SMC website

The input field for direct entry can be found in the basket preview as well as in the view basket (detailed view).

Preview basket

  1. Click on the basket icon in the header of the website
  2. Enter an article description in the field "add article description" and click on the "add" button.
    Note: You can enter both SMC item descriptions and customer item/alias numbers.
  3. The article is added directly to your basket.

To add multiple items in one step, you can use the Import from File function in the basket view (detailed view).

Ups. Ako želite pogledati naš video, morate pristati na korištenje kolačića. Jednostavno kliknite na postavke kolačića i pogledajte našu stručnost na djelu.


Basket details

  1. Click on Basket (Go to details) in the basket preview or click Basket under My account
  2. Enter an article description in the Enter article description field... and click on the button Add to basket.
    Note: You can enter both SMC article descriptions and customer article/alias numbers. 

       3. The article is added directly to your baskett.

To add multiple items in one step, you can use the Import Product List function in the basket view (detailed view).

Ups. Ako želite pogledati naš video, morate pristati na korištenje kolačića. Jednostavno kliknite na postavke kolačića i pogledajte našu stručnost na djelu.

Further help