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Energy efficiency

Energise your efficiency

In today's demanding world, where energy needs are constantly rising, SMC understands the challenges we all face. We're dedicated to empowering your business towards a sustainable future. Through our energy-efficient products and solutions, we help you reduce energy costs and make a positive impact.

Get to know our 5 cornerstones of energy efficiency that will empower you to make smart energy choices for your business.


See for yourself how SMC is supporting sustainability

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Are you keen on a technical approach to Energy efficiency?

Download our Expert Report and discover more in-depth why pressure is growing on all industrial businesses to meet European targets and adhere to legislation. Learn where you can find help and how to take advantage of new technology and initiatives to become more competitive.

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Accept the challenge


Who has never dreamed of being a pioneer in their industry while boosting energy efficiency and cost savings at the same time?
We encourage and support you in reducing your main line pressure.
You will be surprised that making the transition to 4 bar means savings all round.


Take a look to our 4-bar factory leaflet

Accept the challenge

Unlock energy savings: Learn more about SMC's 5 cornerstones to achieve energy efficient manufacturing processes.

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Energy efficiency related information

Gain awareness of the energy consumption of your pneumatic equipment, so you can optimise its air consumption and start reducing your energy-related costs


Explore The SMC Expertise Hub

SMC unterstützt OEMs bei der Entwicklung energieeffizienter Maschinen
Von Roy Schep, Manager Energy Efficiency, SMC Niederlande

Den Druck ablassen
Von Andy Still, Industry Projects Manager, Energy, SMC Europa

 Die Energiekosten zügig senken
 Von Jeff Careless, Business Development Manager – Continuous Improvement, SMC UK


Download our Expert Report

Energy efficiency

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