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SMC SISTEMA bibliotek

Få information om sikkerhedsrelaterede parametre til for vores produkter

SISTEMA er leveret af IFA (Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance) og er et softwareværktøj til vurdering af sikkerhedsniveauet på maskinapplikationer. Denne gratis software hjælper dig med at beregne din sikkerhedsfunktion.

SMC giver dig SISTEMA-filer (version 2) med sikkerhedsrelaterede parametre for SMC-produkter til download.

SISTEMA bibliotek

Tilgængelige sprog: EN, FR, IT, ES, DE
Filtype: ZIP
Filstørrelse: 0,387 MB
Seneste ændring: 2025-01-24

Hvis du har brug for SMC SISTEMA-filer i den tidligere version 1, beder vi dig kontakte os direkte. Forespørg online.

Viser 1 til 80 af 80 poster
Visning 10 | 20 | 50 | 100
Modeller Beskrivelse Driftsmanual Overensstemmelseserklæring Pålidelighedsdata
(B10 / B10d)
AKB Kontraventil, bøsningstype
AKH Kontraventil med indstiksfitting
AKP Pilot Check Valve Compact Type
AQ#40F Quick Exhaust Valve with one touch fitting
AR-A Regulator
AR-B Regulator
AR-D Regulator
AS-X785 Pilot Check Valve: Metal Body Type
ASN2 Metering Valve with Silencer
ASP Pilotstyret drøvlekontraventil
ASP (New) Speed Controllers with Pilot Check Valve
ASP-X352 Pilotstyret drøvle-kontraventil med manuel override
AV-A(-X2006) Soft Start-up Valve
C(P)96N-X3075 Cylinder with Brake/Lock
EVSA7-6/8/10 5 port Air Operated Valve
EX245-FPS# Fieldbus system for input/output with PROFIsafe
EX245/VP/VG Residual Pressure Relief Valve Operation with EX245-FPSx PROFIsafe SI unit
EX260-FPS1 Compact fieldbus system for output with PROFIsafe
IR1000/2000/3000-A Præcisionsregulator
IR1200/2200/3200-A Regulator
IRV Vacuum Regulator
JSY 5 Port Solenoid Valve
JXC9F (Safety manual and DoC) Step Motor Controller with STO sub-function with EtherNet/IP™
JXC9F (Standard manual) Step Motor Controller with STO sub-function with EtherNet/IP™
JXC9F (Supplementary manual) Step Motor Controller with STO sub-function with EtherNet/IP™
JXCEF (Safety manual and DoC) Step Motor Controller with STO sub-function with EtherCAT
JXCEF (Standard manual) Step Motor Controller with STO sub-function with EtherCAT
JXCEF (Supplementary manual) Step Motor Controller with STO sub-function with EtherCAT
JXCLF (Safety manual and DoC) Step Motor Controller with STO sub-function with IO-Link
JXCLF (Standard manual) Step Motor Controller with STO sub-function with IO-Link
JXCLF (Supplementary manual) Step Motor Controller with STO sub-function with IO-Link
JXCPF (Safety manual and DoC) Step Motor Controller with STO sub-function with PROFINET
JXCPF (Standard manual) Step Motor Controller with STO sub-function with PROFINET
JXCPF (Supplementary manual) Step Motor Controller with STO sub-function with PROFINET
KE Manuel afluftningsventil med indstiksfitting
LECSB-T AC Servo Motor Driver with STO
LECSS-T AC Servo Motor Driver with STO
LVA/LVC High Purity Chemical Liquid Valve
MWB-UT-X3075 Cylinder Brake/Lock Unit
MWB-X3075 Cylinder with Brake/Lock
SY##20/40/60 (standard SY) 5 port Solenoid Valve
SY#0M-60-1A Double Check Spacer Assembly with Residual Pressure Release Valve Plug-in Type
SY(3,5,7)(A,B,C)(0,3)0-X350 5 Port Solenoid Valve Plug-in Type with Spring Return Spool · SY-X350
SY(3,5,7)1(0,3)0-X350 5 Port Solenoid Valve Plug-in Type with Spring Return Spool · SY-X350
SY300/500 3 Port Solenoid Valve
SY3000-X310 5 Port Solenoid Valve Plug-in Type with Pressure Detection Option · SY-X310
SY3000-X323 5 Port Solenoid Valve Plug-in Type with Spring Return Spool · SY-X323
SY3000/5000/7000 5 Port Solenoid Valve Plug-in Type
SY31(0,3)1-X350 5 Port Solenoid Valve Plug-in Type with Spring Return Spool · SY-X350
SY3200-X25 5 Port Solenoid Valve Plug-in Type with Detent · SY-X25
SY5(A,B,C)-X67 3 Port Valve with Spring Return Spool · SY-X67
SY5000-X310 5 Port Solenoid Valve Plug-in Type with Pressure Detection Option · SY-X310
SY5000-X49 5 Port Solenoid Valve Plug-in Type with Spring Return Spool and M8 Connector for Pilot Valve · SY-X49
SY5100-X30/X31 5 Port Solenoid Valve Plug-in Type with Spool Detection · SY-X30/X31
SY5100-X74 5 Port Solenoid Valve Plug-in Type with Spring Return Spool and M8 Connector for Pilot Valve with External Pilot Pressure control · SY-X74
SY5200-X25 5 Port Solenoid Valve Plug-in Type with Detent · SY-X25
SY7000-X323 5 Port Solenoid Valve Plug-in Type with Spring Return Spool · SY-X323
SY7200-X25 5 Port Solenoid Valve Plug-in Type with Detent · SY-X25
VG342-X87 Overvåget ventil til brug i sikkerhedsapplikationer
VHS-A/-B Pressure Relief 3 Port Valve with Locking Holes (Single/Double Action)
VHS-D Pressure Relief 3 Port Valve with Locking Hole
VM-X207A 2/3 Port Manual Locking Mechanical Valve
VM100-A/VM200-A 2/3-port mekanisk ventil
VM1000 Micro Mechanical Valve
VM430 3 Port Mechanical Valve
VNB-X700 Air Operated Process Valve
VNB-X717 Air Operated Process Valve (universal porting)
VP300/500/700 3 Port solenoid valve
VP500-700-X555 Residual pressure relief valve with direct monitoring and soft start function
VP500-700-X585 Residual pressure relief valve with direct monitoring and soft start function (1 MPa)
VP500/700-X536/X538 Monitored Dump Valve for Use in Safety Related Systems
VP546/746 Residual Pressure Release Valve for use in Safety Related Systems
VPA-X665 3 Port Air Operated Valve
VR12#0(F) Shuttle Valve
VR1211F AND Valve with One-touch Fittings
VR51 Two Hand Control Valve
VT307/VO307 Direct operated Poppet Type
VZM500 Mechanical Valve
XT34-303-# Pilotstyret kontraventil med overvågning
XTO Pilot Check Valve

Bemærk, at nogle SMC SISTEMA-filer muligvis er under opdatering. Hvis du ikke kan finde det produkt, du leder efter på listen ovenfor, kan du kontakte din lokale SMC-repræsentant for mere information.