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For applications requiring extremely accurate small work piece detection, such as in the electronics industry, the use of a standard pressure sensor may not be sufficiently precise enough to match these exacting and very specific needs. However, thanks to the R&D engineers at SMC, the world leaders in pneumatic technology and their latest flow sensor – Series PFMV – these concerns may now be a thing of the past.Developed initially for the semiconductor market, the PFMV Flow Sensor which uses very low pressure suction, through its specially designed flow passage, can detect the presence of a work piece during an application by simply checking for any flow rate changes. With a response speed of 5ms or less, this suction technology can also be successfully used to detect blockages in applications using nozzles or leakage in moulding applications which often result in minute pin holes and ultimate component rejection.Further features of the RoHS compliant PFMV are its extremely compact size making it ideal for when space is an issue, its facility to be mounted together – similar to a manifold arrangement –, its low flow rate, and its abilities to determine a vacuum break and to be used with either a digital or analogue display including auto-shift input.


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