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Rod Type Motorless Electric Actuator - LEY

Your motor, our actuator. Pushing & pulling

  • Create the best possible solution for you – Use your own motor and driver
  • Accommodate it in any location – Suitable for either secondary battery manufacturing or IP65 enclosure rating needs
  • Optimise your application – Motors from a large number of companies to choose from
  • Work it any way – Selectable motor mounting position, top, in-line, right and left mounting positions.

Flere egenskaber og funktioner

  • Body size: up to 100 mm
  • Stroke: up to 1000 mm
  • Horizontal/Vertical work load: up to 1200/200 kg
  • Speed: up to 1200 mm/s
  • Acceleration: up to 3000 mm/s²
  • AC Servo Motor, 100/200/400 W (LEY), 750 W (LEY100).


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