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When car industry experts work alongside research and development engineers from SMC Pneumatics, the world leaders in automation control, theres only one possible outcome the perfect solution! Just one example of this on-going collaboration is SMC´s latest air operated pin clamp cylinder Series CKQ providing simultaneous positioning and clamping.Designed primarily for use in welding and sheet metal applications, this range of spatter resistant double acting cylinders are currently available in four body type options including lock or without lock models. With further choices of either round or diamond type guide pins, to suit hole diameters from 13mm to 25mm, their unique stainless steel construction combined with a outer coating of titanium nitrate (TiN) ensures maximum operational lifetime and increased weld spatter resistance.Other features include the possibility of altering the height of the clamp position by up to 2mm by simply removing the shims, making last minute adjustments a straight forward exercise. Additionally, ease of maintenance has also been recognised by the inclusion of four separate cleaning covers allowing for any weld spatter entering the cylinder to be easily removed without the need of complete cylinder dis-assembly. Designed to operate at piston speeds of 50 to 300 mm/sec, at a maximum operating pressure of 0,7 MPa and within ambient fluid temperature ranges of between minus10º to plus 60ºC, these pin clamp cylinders really are the perfect solution.


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