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Analogue Auto Switch and Display Sensor Monitor – D-MH1

Install 1 switch, detect multiple positions!

  • Monitor multiple positions using a single switch – reduced inventory
  • Shorten the required commissioning time – No fine-tuning of the position is necessary when using the setting device
  • Simplify your assembly – a dingle switch means less wiring and installation time
  • Identify differences in a workpiece or wearing of tooling – small changes can be detected to allow predictive maintenance.

Flere egenskaber og funktioner

  • Analogue output: 1 to 5 VDC
  • Electrical entry: Grommet
  • Power voltage: 12 to 24 VDC
  • Rated input range: 1000 to 5000 mV
  • Display and set range: 800 to 5200 mV
  • Repeatability: ±4 mV ±1 digit.


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