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Share basket

Share baskets with your colleagues via the Buddy-List.

If you want to create a Buddy-List for you and your colleagues, please contact SMC at the following email address

Note: The receiver also requires SMC eShop access for this.

Save & share basket

  1. Click on Basket (Go to details) in the basket preview or click Basket on My account
  2. Click on the button Share basket in the function bar below the product list 
  3. Enter a description and a comment (optional) for the basket and click Next
  4. Select the contact/recipient in the list and click Next
  5. If necessary, enter a description and a comment to add information for the recipient and click Next
  6. Click on the Send button in the summary
  7. The basket is available to the recipient in his/her eShop account

Save & load received basket

  1. Once a basket has been shared, you can find it under My Account / Received Basket
  2. You can save the received basket or load it directly for further processing