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Let one of our Experts to contact you so you can see this with your own eyes.
SMC´s elastic fingers´ EPDM and silicon rubber (FDA compliant), together with its high versatility makes unnecessary the time and resources otherwise dedicated to custom-to-application fingers design.
Let us know about your application and learn how MH-X7654 can help you ease your design time.
Mount our elastic fingers virtually everywhere, even in not SMC´s grippers.
Check SMC's best fitting grippers for the elastic fingers.
MH Series
RMH Series
LEH Series
The material of our elastic finger provides it not only a great flexibility that guarantees soft handle of even the most fragile pieces, but as well it instantly adapts to the shape it has to maneuver.
Check how SMC can be your right arm to help you with your robotic application.
Contact SMC Expert now