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Vi tænker på fremtidens ingeniørarbejde

Vi tror på, at den unge generation har nøglen til vores fremtid, hos SMC støtter og forpligter vi os til et fremtidsorienteret perspektiv på ingeniørvidenskab som nutidens pas

På tværs af Europa støtter vi adskillige projekter, stipendier og arrangementer for at fremme muligheder inden for teknik. Nogle af dem er:
  • In the UK, SMC partners with the local Milton Keynes secondary school Hazeley Academy for the Engineering Education Scheme (EES) project to promote opportunities in manufacturing and to also get students work-ready
  • Sponsorship of TechTogether competition in Budapest, Hungary. The best opportunity to see how students would perform in a real life situations. The aim of this competition was to create a closer connection between students in higher technical education and companies in the automotive industry.
  • In Austria, we are proud of taking part in the implementation of the Smart Education Center at bfi Leoben, based on the idea that digitalization and automation require far-reaching changes in technical training and continuous education. In 2020, the 1st Smart Education Center was installed with SMC equipment, knowhow and extensive support. Target groups are young apprentices, students as well as employees of companies.
  • Long-term agreement in Slovenia with the Higher Vocational College Kranj, in the Mechatronics program. We support them with SMC equipment, educational programs and lectures from SMC Slovenia Experts.
  • Since 2015, SMC Czech Republic and Slovakia  participate in “Silver piston” . A contest for students from technical high schools, all over both countries, where their beyond-the-classes knowledge and abilities are tested . This one-day session hopes to increase motivation among students towards automation. Last edition of the contest hosted students from 57 schools.
  • In Sofia, Bulgaria, at the Technical University of Sofia, SMC sponsors the department of Automation of Discrete Production for them to take part in scientific and technical conferences.

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Mennesker betyder noget. Vores planet betyder noget. Fordi vi holder af begge dele, handler vi på måder, der skaber en mere bæredygtig og bedre fælles fremtid.